I'm Not Naked

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Sorry for any errors, I'll try to edit as soon as possible.



What was I thinking? This was a bad idea.

I took a step back as Shayne's athletic tall build made my room suddenly seem cramped, despite its wide and airy space.

Her gorgeous hazel eyes flicked from one object to the other, stopping for a moment on the white covers of my bed before jumping back to my face.

"How did—"

"Are you—"

We spoke at the same time, and a blush couldn't help it's way into my cheeks. Needing at least a second to breathe, I walked around her and closed the balcony doors.

I leaned on them and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I had no idea my mom's schedule changed. How did you get on the balcony?"

She span towards me, but not before I had the liberty of checking her out.

She was wearing gray sweatpants! I didn't know about other girls, but gray sweatpants looked too good on the perfect body.

"That lady, Linda—she let me jump from her balcony."

My eyes bulged. "You jumped?!"

"Yes." She said it as though it weren't such a big deal.

"Shayne, you could have hurt yourself!"

"Will you lower your voice? You want your mom to bust both our asses?"

"The bedrooms in this apartment are nearly soundproof, she won't hear a thing. What were you thinking?"

"You needed me. How could I turn that down?"

My horror over her daredevil stunt dissolved into helplessness, her words weighing on my shoulders.

I sighed. "Shayne, I was going to call you and tell you not to come, I would have been okay if you agreed." I walked over to the bed and slowly sat as our gazes met. "Thank you for coming."

I watched her as she hesitantly stepped towards me, the soles of her boots barely making a sound. She sat beside me.

A wave of awareness engulfed me when I felt her right arm move around my back.

"Relax, I just want to hold you," she said. Her voice sounded strange.

I let her embrace me, her large hand pressing my head against her shoulder.

She smelled so good. "Could we wait a little before we talk. This feels nice," I whispered, gripping the back of her black henley shirt.

I could hear her smile. "Of course."

For a moment, everything was right and sweet, until I realized if I didn't start talking we would have stayed like that throughout the night.

"Do you ever wonder what it'd be like living on another planet?"

She pulled away, amusement in her eyes. "Sometimes. Why?"

"I'm thinking maybe if I was living on another planet, my life wouldn't be so horrible."

A look of concern showed on her face, before blatant anger took over. "If he touched you again, I swear to God... "

Realizing the assumption she'd made, I lifted my legs onto the bed and bent my knees towards her. I gripped her forearms, vaguely irritated that the sleeves of her shirt didn't allow any skin-to-skin contact.

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