Look At Me

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Olivia's POV

My hands immediately flew to my mouth when I saw Gideon Pierce swing at Shayne.

She lost her balance for a few seconds before she managed to steady herself again.

People wasted no time in leaving their offices to find the source of the disturbance.

"You dare take what belongs to me. The girl is mine, I saw her first!" Gideon barked, his finger pointed towards me.

It took me a moment to realize it was me he was talking about, but I didn't have a chance to react when I saw Shayne's eyes instantly cloud with blinding anger.

For a second, I thought she was going to return the punch, but she just moved closer to the blonde haired man and stared him down.

They both stood at six foot five, so it was hard to tell who was winning the stare down.

"As much as I would love to engage in a one on one with your shitty self right now, I'd much rather respect myself and everyone here. Now what the hell are you talking about?"

I'd never heard or seen Shayne so angry. Her fists were balled tightly at her sides, and it looked like she was trying so hard to contain her anger.

My eyes chose that moment to admire the swirl of tatoos on her toned arms, and I immediately knew that if at all Shayne hit back, Gideon was not going to be a pretty sight.

"Oh, don't play dumb with me, you knew about my brand new, drop dead, gorgeous model, and you thought you'd have this one too. Well, that's not happening, buster."

Then Shayne suddenly turned to me.

"What is the idiot talking about? You know him?"

I tried to speak, but I couldn't, not with the way her eyes were glaring at me.

"Answer me!" she said in such a belittling way that tears stung around my eyes.

"You're scaring her, Shayne. Everyone, get back to work, immediately," a familiar voice said.

The hallway instantly cleared at the command.

I turned to the voice and found Sasha coming towards us.

Of course, she'd mentioned working here.

"This is not your concern, Sasha," Shayne said bitterly, still glaring at me.

I blinked back the tears that threatened to pour down my cheeks, but Shayne already saw them.

And that seemed to vanish any anger that was left in her gorgeous eyes.

"Hey, I apologize. I didn't mean to snap at you." The regret in her eyes seemed to be stronger than the anger I'd just seen a second ago.

She tried to reach for me, but Sasha swatted her hands away and gently pushed me out of her reach.

"Well, it's a little too late, isn't it? And I know it's none of my concern, but I'm the only one who understands what's going on here."

She turned to me with a bright smile.

"You must be 'the' Olivia, I'd thought you reminded me of someone in the elevator. These two douchebags here can't stand each other, despite them being practically the same person."

"Do not insult me!" they both said, and immediately went back to staring each other down.

"See?" Sasha said.

She then turned to Shayne and Gideon.

"Listen, weirdos, since both of you are too egocentric and disrespectful to listen to the girl. Shayne, Olivia had an interview at Vogue, so I suppose she got the jo..."

"If your plan with her is anything other than doing your job, I will personally make sure you never see the light of day ever again," Shayne warned Gideon icily.

"Your threats mean nothing. Besides, I saw her first," Gideon shot back despite the slight wary showing on his face.

"Yeah, about that," Sasha interrupted. "Olivia and Shayne go back a long way, well, three or four months ago, I don't know. Their affair is sort of weird if you ask me anyway. They've known each other for a sum of what, four days? But there's definitely something going on between them, and you can't stop it."

I glanced up at Shayne and found her eyes on me.

I quickly looked away, afraid she might see the hope I'd found in Sasha's words.

"I don't care if you're soulmates, I have a job to do. Ms. Ryans, are you coming with me?"

"Of course," I spoke automatically, finding Gideon the only escape I had away from Shayne's burning gaze.

I started to walk away, but she pulled my upper arm back against her chest.

I held my breath at the closeness, and tried not to drown in her woodsy lavender scent.

God, she smells so good.

I refused to look at her, so I instead looked at her tattooed bicep that flexed at the movement.

I couldn't stop the heat that etched up my neck.

"West, we have a long day ahead of us. Clearly, she's not interested in whatever you have to say," Gideon said impatiently.

"Olivia, look at me."

The pure warmth and gentleness of her husky voice weakened me and my eyes moved at their own accord.

"I'm sorry," Shayne said immediately I met her gorgeous eyes.

It wasn't easy ignoring the brutal honesty in the mesmerizing hazel swirls.

"I know," I simply said, because I did know.

A sudden heart stopping smile crossed her features.

Oh no.

I was falling fast, so alarmingly fast.

"Have lunch with me tomorrow."

She wasn't asking, but I couldn't bring myself to say no.


Her smile widened at my reply before letting me go.

"Oh damn, you guys are so cute," I heard Sasha say with a sniffle as Gideon led me away.

I looked back at Shayne over my shoulder and had the pleasure of finding her eyes on me again.

She looked so incredibly attractive with her hands shoved into her pockets, standing so tall and lean.

What had I just agreed to?

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