Excuse Me?

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I'd always thought balls were magical and exciting.

Unfortunately for me, I wanted to be anywhere but at this one. When Vogue hosts this kind of party, it's the epitome of elegance.

But there was nothing elegant about being grabbed left and right. As soon as I'd stepped into the gold themed ballroom, a dance had been requested from me, and then another, and another.

A headache was already forming.

At the moment, a man—whose head reached right below my chin—crushed my toes with every misstep.

"Sorry," he said, his porky double chin jiggling with his nervous laugh.

"That's fine. But I have to go now." I didn't wait for a reply, just pulled away and didn't look back.

As I made my way to find some fresh air, I ignored any and everyone in my way; consequences be damned.

"Olivia." My mother's disapproving tone made me stop in my tracks. I turned around and found her with a pissed off look.

In a simple and long ball gown that resembled my own, my mother looked every bit of the elegance needed for such a gathering. Even though she'd been my plus one, she looked like she'd been personally invited.

"Yes, mom?"

"I'm going to ignore how rude you're being." She gave me that wait-till-we-get-home mom look before smiling sweetly. "I want you to meet someone. James, this is my daughter Olivia."

Just then, I noticed the tall and impeccably dressed man beside her. His startling blue eyes swept over my peach colored dress.

"Eva, when you said your daughter was a beauty, I didn't realize the accuracy of your words."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes, and instead offered a smile and a handshake. "Thanks, and you are?"

"James McKinnon, CEO of Dricon Shipping."

The company sounded vaguely familiar, but I was sure I heard of its high level of success from somewhere.


He grinned, showing off his pearly whites. He was very attractive; he also looked twice my age.

"Well, I'd like to 'wow' you further with a drink sometime."

I glanced at my mother and found her giving me a look that I knew all too well.

Realization dawned on me. "Did my mother promise me to you?" I joked.

A deep laugh rumbled out of him. "She only mentioned how beautiful and brilliant you are. I must say, I'm not disappointed."

He accentuated his words with another sweep down my body.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm not sure I'm the girl for you."

I turned away, walking fast enough to make sure I wasn't being followed. I spotted one of the vacant balconies and escaped into the fresh air.

Taking in a deep breath, I smiled as the night breeze caressed my cheeks, the lights of Los Angeles staring back at me.

I let my thoughts wonder.

I hadn't seen Shayne for two weeks straight. The last was when we'd wordlessly separated at work. The romantic in me had hoped she'd come running to me, but the pessimist in me knew the definition of realism.

I didn't blame Shayne for ghosting out on me. There probably were plenty other women who didn't expect too much from her.

Maybe I should have accepted that drink from James Mckinnon.

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