Internet Butt

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(Still) Olivia's POV

"So, do you have plans for the day?" my mom asked as we ate breakfast the next day.

I instantly froze.

Did she find out that I was going to have lunch with Shayne?

"W-why would you ask that?" I tried to sound as calm as possible.

"I don't know, I just supposed that since you were around people your own age, you found a few friends."


"I spent most of the time in Gideon Pierce's office, all we did was discuss the details of my job. So I didn't get the chance to socialize."

"I see," she said, but she was still looking at me weirdly.


"Nothing really, I'm just wondering if you met someone special there."

I almost choked on my orange juice.

"No I didn't, what would make you say that?" It was much harder being calmer this time.

"You've put more effort into your make-up than you usually do. I've never seen you go past simply glossed lips. That eyeshadow looks stunning against your eyes."

"Thanks, mother, but it has nothing to do with anyone special, which there isn't."

"So you didn't mean for your outfit to" she said, smirking knowingly.

Okay, so maybe I'd put some effort into how I looked today.

I'd picked my favorite pair of high waisted blue jeans, the most fitting.

My white off-shoulder crop top hugged every inch of my chest and allowed a little cleavage to show.

A pair of sexy, umber, heeled sandals adorned my feet attractively.

And my raven colored hair was tightly tied at the top of my head in a long and glossy ponytail.

Plus the sparkling earrings, the cute necklace and the diamond bracelet; I definitely looked like I wanted someone to notice me.

"Fine, I suppose there's someone. That's all I'm saying right now."

"Okay, but I don't want to find out that he's a no good idiot. You were lucky I was able to save you from that drug dealing hazel eyed woman-boy," she said.

I almost laughed.

"Who, Shayne? I keep telling you that she didn't kidnap me, and Shayne isn't a drug dealer," I said, getting up from my seat.

"Just because she's Christina's cousin doesn't make her your friend. And with the way she looks at you, it looks like she wants to be way more than just friends."

"You're being delusional, mother. I'm going to work now, I'll see you tonight."

I grabbed my bag and started to leave the kitchen.


I shut my eyes and hoped that she wouldn't push further on my mysterious 'love interest'.

"Yes, mother?" I said, turning to face her.

"Your father really wants to see you, you know?"

I immediately swallowed the lump that formed in my throat.

"I'll see him soon, mother."

"That's what you said three months ago. Olivia, this is not healthy. You haven't shown any sort of emotion. You haven't even talked about him, and I'm getting worried. That man is or maybe was your entire world."

"I'm running late, I'll see you soon."

I rushed out of that kitchen like my life depended on it.

"Olivia!" I heard her yell.

As soon as I stepped out of the apartment, I closed my eyes and took several breaths in an effort not to cry.

He left me alone, I'll never forgive him for that.

Once I was sure that I wasn't going to cry, I opened my eyes and headed to the elevator.

When the elevator opened on the first floor, I rushed out without looking up and hit into someone.

The person's stuff fell everywhere on the floor, and he didn't waste time in crouching and picking up whatever had fallen.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I said, realizing that it was my neighbor, Sawyer.

He was kind of weird in a dorky way, with old fashioned glasses and ancient clothes.

I always wondered how he could afford an apartment like this one.

"Hey, Sawyer. I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there."

He paused and looked up at me.

His pale cheeks immediately reddened as he took me in.

"Uhm...Olivia. Hi." His voice slightly squeaked, and I almost giggled but decided to squat down and help him instead.

I realized that what had fallen were a bunch of photographs.

"Sawyer, these are incredible. Did you take them?" I said, admiring a photograph of a beautiful sandy haired woman with her eyes closed.

She looked very relaxed as she laid on the bed under her, as though she had no idea that someone was taking a picture of her.

"Yeah," he said, before rushing off into the elevator.

I looked at him in surprise, but later shrugged and headed out of the lobby.

Now, to face that hazel eyed beauty.


"Oh my god, you're all over the internet."

I stared blankly at Tatiana, one of the new intern models, not sure I heard her right.

All over the internet?

"What are you talking about?" I said as I we sat at a table in the café, the main one.

Gideon Pierce had decided that we would start shooting at lunch. At lunch!

What a coincidence, because I had plans with someone, someone that he seemed to despise so much, and the feeling was apparently mutual.

"I've just seen this like right now. Your butt is on the internet," Tatiana said in shock as she stared at her phone.

"My what?!" I said, grabbing her phone.

I almost passed out when I saw a perfect shot of my butt as I was holstered against Shayne's shoulders.

Her tattooed sinewy arm was clasped over the back of my knees while her other hand held my waist to hold me steady.

Her gorgeous face was void of any amusement, but I could see the tiniest glint of laughter in her intense hazel eyes.

So she found it funny, huh?

Well, we'll just see who's laughing when I knock her teeth out.

My butt was now a free for all look-see, thanks to her.

"Where are you going?" Tatiana said as I stood up.

"I'm going to pay a little visit to Reyvox's CEO."

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