24. Past and Present

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The warm breeze of Medinikhand caressed my face and sweat rolled down my forehead. The sun was blazing in the sky and I stood on my balcony, overlooking the vacant and silent atmosphere of a summer afternoon. The court was dismissed about an hour ago but the memory made it appear as if it was still happening in front of my eyes.

The silence that followed after the outburst of my father was contrasting with the peaceful one that I am experiencing right now. It was ominous. The chatter and discussions of all the ministers immediately subsided and all eyes went toward my father.

Sitting on the throne,  his eyes emitted a distinct resolute aura.  The verdict was ready and now it was up to his lips to articulate the words that would bring justice to the people. 

"Tact and eloquence are expected from all the courtiers present." His voice boomed in the silent court, cutting through the thick air and reaching to all ears. He waited for a few moments, perhaps to cool his anger down before going back to his phlegmatic behavior or to let his message sink into our conscience. Regardless, both the purposes were served.

"I listened and speculated to both your statements and stance. I do think that we should not take the adulteration of spices lightly. Though we lack proof for it, it is still grave and pressing. I, therefore announce a committee that would look after this issue and reports to me directly. I also declare that this committee would be led by Minister Trinabh. The court is dismissed!"

I stood there, relinquishing my veiled failure. If my memory of that day serves right, all the ministers who were siding with Urjit conspicuously left the hall, stating their alliance with the prime minister. Minister Trinabh was one of them. From little recollection I had of him, he was a spineless bastard who loved to take the side of the winning side, and this time again, it was the prime minister whom he would side with.

The little exchange in gazes between both the parties is proof of the fact that Trinabh and Sarthak would never let justice befall this case. My knees felt weak and I stood there for a long time, fisting my lehenga to suppress my anger. 

"Lost somewhere, Rajkumari." 

I still remember the taunting voice of the Prime minister that he used to address me after almost all the courtiers left. My body shivered due to his murderous aura but my gaze remained impassive.

"Your speech was commendable Rajkumari, though I wonder how you managed to get all this information in just one day. Nevertheless, I would not bother Rajkumari with my presence. She surely has more important things to tend to, such as accepting her alliance. The month ends tomorrow Rajkumari. Tomorrow is the night of the full moon."

With that, he left without hearing a response. I stood there for a while, confused about his strange actions. I shook my head to clear my mind and rushed back to my chambers to enjoy the solitude and privacy.

My mind was fixed on the words of the Prime Minister. Tomorrow was Poornima and I was expected to come with a decision meanwhile. Though there would be a battle between Nyrvig and Urjit for my hands still the verdict remained in my hands.

There would be aftermaths associated with either choice but for some reason, there was no fear laced with my anxiousness. There was worry behind the changes that might happen along the way, would my memories of past life, my child Bhumija remain there; the sane part of me denied but my heart beseeched hope to relinquish just yet for a mother's heart couldn't hold onto the loss if it occurred. 

The choice between Urjit and Nirvig would be one of my toughest choices, one has a part of my heart, my Bhumija in his future while the other possesses the tenderness of my heart. I know, it is wrong for me to think much over it, I should choose Bhumija overall but Nyrvig- he is just- I can't deny my fluttering heart around him despite it turning into stone for everyone apart from my family. Somehow, he has managed to creep his way into my circle of being called a family but also managed to ruin his place there.

Though Nyrvig is like a book full of secrets, I could not help but incline toward him. He was the only one apart from my family who managed to break in through my bubble yet he was the one who hurt me most while doing so.

In the last few days, I speculated about both my life a lot. If Nirmala was worked for Nyrvig, then there are high chances that the same remained in my last life and this scared me. It was no secret that Nirmala was the one behind my demise in the prior life; what if it was on command of Nyrvig. It won't be something out of the blue if true. He was indeed concerned regarding Bhrata Aaditya's position in the court, which was of commander-in-chief in life before this one. This all could lead to one thing, Nyrvig killed my family using Urjit as a tool who was smitten with Nirmala!

I groaned and rubbed my head to clear my thoughts but it did not have any effect. My mind was still trapped in my last life and present one. One of the other concerns of the last life was Bhumija. Though she was yet to be born, to my memory, she is still alive and a mother's heart was not able to think past her daughter's presence. Though aware of the future that was reserved for me with Urjit, I constantly thought of my little flower but marrying Nyrvig is important too to save my family from the demise awaiting them if I did something otherwise.

If in their past life, he manages to make Urjit his tool, a lackey to his ploy then what would he do when driven to a corner.

My thoughts were cut short by a knock on the door. I took deep breaths and arranged my lehenga and jewelry before granting permission for the one to enter. It was Shailja. She took timid steps toward me, her face pale as if she was afraid of telling me the information she is carrying.

"What is it, Shailja?" Specks of confusion were lacing my voice and my body was eager to know the news. I saw her lips move and some gibberish whisper coming out of them. "Speak clearly, Shailja." Annoyance marred my voice and I could see she was startled due to it.

"The competition between Rajkumar Nyrvig and Rajkumar Urjit is going to start in a prahar, Rajkumari."

"This much only?" The confusion inside me raised and my sole focus was on her. There was no way she was hesitating to convey this to me. When I saw her scared face I knew there was more to the matter.

"Rajkumar Aadhirai has changed the rules. Since there is no more competitor for your hands other than Rajkumar Urjit and Rajkumar Nyrvig, the one who stays standing and able to fight till sunset win your hand, after your permission for sure." There was an ominous gravity in her voice before she continued, "Also, the only red flag in this competition is death. No one should die."

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Rajkumari- Princess

Bhrata- Brother

Rajkumar- Prince

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