37. Retelling a Story

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Crimson coloured the sky and the peaks of the mountains were shaded in the auspicious colour of red. My whole day was spent in the leftover rituals but my mind was occupied by various thoughts. My mind was pondering over the events of the whole day. Why was Nyrvig smiling when I was appointed as the head of an empty harem? 

I stared at the vast expanse of red in front of me, thoughts running in m mind. Cool breezes caressed my face, giving solace to my mind. I sighed and gave rest to my overthinking mind, for I was coming up with various foolish reasons now and then.

"Seems like overthinking is your favourite pastime hobby, Vijaya" His mischievous voice startled me, and I quickly turned around, eyes wide and surprise washing over them. His laughter boomed over the chambers while he moved towards me. My lips flattened and I stared at him, waiting for him to stop.

Perhaps seeing my indifference, he paused laughing and walked towards me, confusion marring his face.

"Is everything alright Vijetri?" His voice held concern and the fact that he used my original name indicated the seriousness and stress that was churning inside of him. I glanced into his eyes, wide and full of worry and a flutter passed through my body.

"Why were you smiling?" My mind subconsciously replied to him, while I was focusing on his eyes, witnessing the worry clouding them which was soon replaced by confusion. I came out of my trance and elaborated while stuttering a bit.

"Why were you smiling when I was given the charge of your so-called harem?"  

Relief passed through his eyes, unshrouding the clouds of worry that lined previously while he smiled at me. His lack of answer made me annoyed and I moved toward the settee, ignoring his smiling satisfied face.

"My father prefers equality, and thus you becoming the head of the palace would have harmed my position in the court."

His words confused me furthermore and by his expressions, he knew he was adding fuel to the fire of turmoil that seemed to be always present inside my mind. I glared at him, signalling him my annoyance while he merely chuckled, riling me up to my peak.

"If you are done with the pleasure of taunting me, could you elaborate your statement?" My voice was sweeter than honey but the underlying bitterness was clear to his ears when he laughed at my antics. I rolled my eyes and waited for him to stop laughing while taking deep breaths to calm my anger.

"My father prefers equality, Vijaya. If you would have been the head of the palace then his support, which for now is towards me, would have shifted towards Skanda. We would have lost the support of the monarch which would have impaired us deeply."

His voice was calm and my mind finally connected all the dots. Me being the head would not have brought much power to us but it would have snatched most of our power. I sighed and glanced at Nyrvig who stood in front of me, carrying his usual mischievous smile. Regardless of what divination might have been today, we would have lost the favour of Maharaj which could have been pernicious for our future.

"And wh-" I was shushed by his rough finger on my lips and my heart seemed to have flipped at the moment. Warmth spread near my cheeks and in my chest while my eyes bored into his, my breathing shallow.

"It is my turn Vijaya." His voice was hoarse and just above a whisper, making a shiver run through my body. I stared into his deep obsidian eyes, without speaking any word, lost in my trance. I mindlessly hummed, busy staring into his mischievous eyes and controlling my rapid beating heart.

"Why were you carrying a  dagger amidst your jewellery?" The corner of his lips turned upwards, forming a perfect smirk while my eyes widened realizing that I was caught. I averted my gaze and tried to make distance between us when his hands captured my waist and made me look at him. His proximity was making me shiver and my body felt a bit warm and fuzzy.

"Do not try to run and escape my question, Vijaya." His voice, still low had a mischievous hint to it. He captured my chin softly and aligned my face so my eyes were staring into his, stopping my mind to come up with any story.  He simply raised a brow, asking me to explain the reason and my mouth started answering the truth, influenced by his proximity.

"Have you heard a story where a wise minister managed to save the kingdom from a fraud priest who proclaimed to know the future?" My words caused a frown to appear on his face, while my body felt stressed due to his hold on my waist. I tried to berate my mind for giving up the truth and not coming up with a story but it seemed to overrule it.

"What if I say no?"  His deep voice trailed at the end, asking me to explain it to him. I sighed and tried to step back when his hold tightened and mischief returned in his eyes.

"We- Well it is a story about a kingdom, whose king blindly believed a fake priest who proclaimed that he has the power to see the future. A wise minister of his court asked the priest about the number of days left for the priest to live, the priest answered many. At the exact moment, the minister slashed him to death and proved his prophecy wrong." 

The ambience of the room turned thick and the initial smile on his lips washed away with the realization that I was about to slay somebody. His grip on me loosened followed by a deep sigh.

"I am glad you did nothing as such," His voice was screeched at the end and the mischief of his eyes vanquished as if eclipsed by the severity of the condition.

Walking closer, I trailed the tips of my finger on his torso, trying to calm him but it was of little use; his body was still stiff and his visage contained a grim frown on it.

"More like I didn't get a chance to do that," I tried to crack a joke but my trial failed yet again and he grabbed my arm, pinning me against his body while his other hand snaked around my waist.

"Daksha has contributed great merits to this kingdom," He whispered while playing with the folds of my skin on the abdomen, teasing me to desire more of it. "Besides, I don't your hands ever painted in that ominous red ever."

His words made me stiffen and staring into his eyes I mumbled the reality of my life, "They are already drenched in the color, Arya."

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Arya- A way to address husband

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