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I opened the basement door, letting the light flood the staircase as the cold air came in contact with my skin.

I entered the white room and closed the door behind me while my gaze caught sight of Azef standing by the table. As I closed the door, he turned to look at me while he had his hands on the edges of the table with the help of which he was leaning a little forward.

"Why are you suddenly interested in a spy?" Azef scratched his eyebrow with his index finger while I walked over to where he stood and looked at the dead body.

"You don't kill someone." I folded my arms as I examined the pale skin of the dead woman. The nails had been taken out and I moved my hand to look at the jaw. With my thumb under the lips of the corpse, I pressed down to see the inside of the mouth and found many of her teeth gone as well.

"It wasn't my doing, Xia-Lin was here." He rolled his eyes, "That woman is brutal, just like her brother." I let the face go and sighed.

Of course, it was Xia-Lin... Security has been upgraded since the last incident at Lux. The Chinese were angry since one of the spies at the party got away and was never found while the other died too soon.

"And did she get anything out of this spy?" I looked at the Russian woman lying on the table.

"The whole fight is about who had the deed to the RailRoad Casino after it was stolen." He glanced at me, "Everyone's suspecting everyone." He bopped his head slightly side to side, "But with how many spies are after us, it almost makes me believe we have it." He showed me a toothy grin, "Do we have it?"

I glanced at him, "I wish," My gaze went back to the body, "You got nothing from her?"

He shook his head, "She was sent by some low-ranking Russian gang to see if we have the deed." He looked at the corpse, "Unfortunately for her, Xia-Lin got her hands on her."

Right, Xia-Lin's been wanting to get her hands on the spy who ran away with a low-ranking drug list, so she's been hanging out at Lux a lot. I highly doubt Clio would get caught now since he got into a lot of trouble last time. So the Chinese won't find him since they don't even know that the spy that managed to slip away is not a female.

I stared at the corpse but instead, any other spies are in deeper trouble.

"Is she related to that guy who stole the files from Lux?"

"No," He shook his head, "That one was another reporter. He was harmless but this," He pointed at her, "What do you want to do with the body?"

I stared at the table for a while, then answered, "Tell Xia-Lin to take care of it since she's the cause of it."

"Do you think the Russians will attack?"

"I doubt it, not over a small-time measly spy." I turned around to leave, "And that's why I'm telling you to have the Jade twins take care of it. No one would bother the Chinese mafia."

"I have to say, they're unnecessarily brutal." Azef started walking behind me, "There was no need to kill the spy."

"Setting examples is good." I stopped near the door, "But this might be bad, she's dead so it might give others the impression that we do have the deed."

"Ah~" Azef crossed me and opened the door, "I'll talk to Zhou-Lin, he needs to get his sister in control."

He's right, someone needs to get them both in control, not just Xia-Lin. I get a very formidable vibe from Zhou-Lin as well.

"Don't let them come into the house freely anymore." I turned to the side, there stood a metal chair there right next to the white tiled wall. The blood was still there, splattered violently.

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