Chapter-11 Im sorry

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I woke up but pretended that I was still asleep when I felt Clyde lift me up and carry me back to our room.
I slept in my son's room because we fought.
I want to protest  but I don't have the strength to argue with him.
I felt the warm bed embrace me when he gently lay me down on the bed and covered my body with the blanket that bares his masculine scent.
Instantly I felt sleepy again. There's no doubt that I have a very special feeling for him. I don't want to admit it simply because I'm scared.
It hurts me a lot knowing he knows everything, though Mr Reid explained to me the reason behind why he didn't show up, still. The damage has been done and what I hate the most is that he never tried to explain to me by himself; it was only his lawyer doing the work of explaining things.
I want it to come out of his mouth, not from his attorney..!
I felt the bed deepen, Clyde lying on the bed next to me.
Before he slept he whispered the words 'I'm sorry for everything' and laid a gentle kiss on my forehead.
Hearing it, I bit my inside cheeks to contain the tears inside my eyes.
But still, one bit went rushing down on my cheeks.
The next morning I woke up without him on the bed.
I quickly got out of bed to do my daily routine in the morning.
Shower, dress up for school, and make sure my son is ready before seven.
Before I went out of the room I silently prayed that today won't be a disaster like yesterday and pleased no 'bitches'.
I head downstairs straight to the kitchen where I know my son is already having breakfast. I saw my son happily talking with his Daddy.
They both stared at me when I came in.
" Hi, Mommy! Daddy said he's going on a trip today and he promised to buy me a nice toy when he comes back if I'm a good boy "my son chirps happily.
" Morning big guy, That's great Alexander " I smiled at him before glancing at Clyde, who was holding a coffee mug in his hand while staring at me with those deep intense eyes.
I felt my heart skip a beat.
" What time are you going? " I asked him, before looking back at my son's face.
Jeez. I can't put up with his intense gaze on me.
" Soon I have to go. I'm just waiting for both of you to wake up, my private jet is ready, I'll just need to drive to the airport. I will be back on Friday, " he said to me in a monotone voice. The atmosphere is getting uneasy for both of us.
" Ohh, can you make it on time for Alexander's school program? It's on Friday also. They're going to celebrate Father's Day and it requires all the daddies to attend it... " I informed him.
I need to hide the sadness in my voice knowing I won't see him for two days.
Damn it!
Be still, Alec! I told myself.
But I'm not ok with this!
"I'll try to make it on time then, see you both on Friday.." He said before kissing my son's forehead and going to me hesitating for a bit before patting my shoulder as a sign of goodbye.
God. What's wrong with me?!
At this moment I just want him to stay with us?!
I wish things were different than now.
I wish I could be a 'good wife' like in the movies but, I'm not.
We're not 'love birds' so I decided to be just as polite as I can be.
" Please take good care of yourself and have a safe trip, Clyde... "

When I arrived home,
Ms Charlotte announces that a certain Ms Claire is waiting for me at Clyde's office...
Curious, I headed upstairs to meet this woman.
I knock on the door once before twisting the door knob to open.
I saw a beautiful lady with very fair skin. It's so white you will think 'Hey is she Snow White?!'
She turned her face around knowing someone came in.
She stood up and smiled at me.
" Ohh my gosh?! Are you 'That jerk Clyde's wife?! " She asked with wide eyes and an overreacting facial expression.
" Ohh that jerk, knows how to pick a rare gem..! You're a beauty! " she exclaims before hugging me without my permission.
I felt awkward about her careless movement. I was just standing there stiffened like a statue for a few moments.
When she felt it, she pulled me out of the hug.
" Ohh, my bad, that's impolite of me, I forgot to introduce myself.
Well, wanna take a guess? Just stare for a brief moment in my face and you will know who I am..." She said playfully while twisting a few strands of light brown hair around her finger.
I did what she said and stared at her face.
I gasped.
Ohh my gosh.
They both have the same eyes and facial features. The only difference is that she's a woman with feminine traits and Clyde has a very masculine look. They were twins!
"Ahh...! That gasps! So you know now who I am?! " she asked cheerfully.
I smiled at her and nodded in response, knowing who she is.
She smiled at me and offered her hand for a handshake.
" Hi, I'm Claire Marie Harlington, Clyde's twin sister..." I smiled at her shaking her hand and introduced myself also.
" Hi Claire, I'm Alexandria Morgan Harlington, I'm glad to finally meet one of  Clyde's Family.." I said to her cheerfully.
" Ohh same here, Alexandria I'm glad to finally meet you!
Ohh that jackal..! He Didn't even tell us about you, if we don't investigate we won't know anything..." she said, rolling her eyes in dismay then it sparkled again.
"Ohh..! Wait! Where's your son?! My sweet little nephew?!" She beams.
She was supposed to head outside of the office but I stopped her.
"Hold on! Alexander is not  at home right now, he's in school  and will be back home later around 3:30 in the afternoon.." I inform her, smiling.
"Ohh..? Really?! Damn it! That's sad. But anyways, you're here and he's coming home later so let's have a little more  chit-chat please...?!" She said to me with twinkled eyes before encircling her arms around mine.
I laugh at her comical actions.
We sat on the couch and talked comfortably.
" So, how did you catch that 'jerk, Clyde?! You must be so special to catch his attention?! " she said, eyeing a curious look at me.
I smiled at her cute expression before clearing my throat.
" I don't know how? Everything went so fast that I thought I could be normal again after that night and finish my studies but then I realized that I had a baby with him.." I said to her not hiding anything or adding things to the story was just pure truth.
I'm not shy or ashamed that I slept with a stranger and had a one-night stand with somebody.
It's my life. I can do what I want and I'm the only one responsible for my actions.
Her eyes widen hearing what I said,
" Ohh my gosh, please don't tell me you gave your virginity to him..?!
Are you__?! Are you not? " I nod at her to indicate that her first question was right.
" So... You're a virgin when you sleep with him?! Ohh my gosh this is too much...! " She stood up waving her hand on her face like she felt hot in the room and then she blew some hair that fell on her face.
"Ohh that jerk needs to pay for this when he comes back! I'm so sorry, Please don't think I'm mad or disappointed with what you said. Believe me, Alex, I'd been there in your position before. It's just that, I don't like what Clyde did. Anyways, let's change the topic. Now tell me about my nephew. How is he, when he's growing up? I apologized that Clyde wasn't there.
I told him to go to you and be with his son but he's a guy who takes his responsibility seriously. My brother believes that it's best to fix everything first, not only the multiple businesses we had but also the family problem that I caused. I'm so sorry Alex.." She said sadly with impending tears in her eyes. She explains to me that she was the cause of the family problem when she ran away from marrying a mafia billionaire.
Things went from drama to comedy and I find Claire mirthful.
Goodness, she's the complete opposite of her brother who's a bit serious with his thick brown brow that is always touching.
I admit, When Clyde was around I felt annoyed with his sneaky tricks on me but deep inside it also tickles my heart.
I   Miss   Him.

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