⚜️CHAPTER-31⚜️Please wake up soon⚜️

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The next morning, I woke up from the shush sound of my mother comforting my son.
"Why does mommy not yet awake, grandma?
Is she not waking up anymore?" I heard my son's sobbing while asking my mother.
" Shush, That's not true, little one. Mommy is going to wake up soon. You'll see. Come here, give grandma a hug." Hearing my son made me fully awake. I opened my eyes and went up to a sitting position.
They were still hugging each other, not yet noticing my presence, so I called my son.
"Alexander. Big guy, mom's awake now." I said to him with a warm smile on my face and an open arms waiting for his small fragile body to hug me.
He quickly stood up from the single bed where he sits and ran to my side. I saw the relief and sadness look in my mother's eye. Her cheeks tainted with tears.
She walked next to us and helped my son get up in the hospital bed.
" Mommy... Mommy...! You are awake!" he said to me, hugging me in a bone crushing hug. I envelop him in my warm body, kissing his hair and forehead. His baby scent made me forget for a while that I'm facing a big trial in my life.
"I love you, baby. I'm so sorry. I never meant to make you worry, are you afraid?" I asked worriedly. He nodded his head up and down, showing his cute little finger, telling me he was a little scared.
" Just a little mommy." he said while wiping his tears using his arms.
" That's my big guy." I messed his hair and gave him tiny little kisses around his face that made him laugh. Hearing my son's voice made me thank God simultaneously for granting my wish to see him smile again. I'm so glad that I can hug and kiss him once more. I felt my eyes watery, lucky my mom brought me out of my trance.
" Ohh, here's your dad." She announced, me and my son both looked at the door that creeped open.
I saw my dad come in with a basket full of fruits and a small bouquet of white roses. A smile formed on his lips upon seeing me and my son. He quickly placed down the basket of fruit on the table near my bed and handed me the bouquet of roses. I happily accepted it and buried my nose on its white petal, smelling the scents of rose, appreciating for a few seconds how lovely they look.
" How are you feeling, my princess? " He asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.
" Thanks, Dad, for this." I lift the roses.
"I feel much better than yesterday and much more calm. Sorry for causing more problems Mom, Dad." I solemnly apologized to them for being selfish last night. I just realized now that I act so selfish, not thinking they suffer enough worrying whether I will wake up or not. I was so hysterical, wanting to stay by my husband's side. Not only that, but I didn't even think about my son's well-being.
Seeing his face etched with worries made my heart sink. Now, I'm thinking, How am I supposed to tell him about his dad's situation? I was brought out of my trance when I heard my dad's voice.
" It's expected princess, no need to apologize, the doctor told us already that you might have a panic attack and hysteria when you wake up.
So don't worry about it." My dad reached for my free hand and gently squeezed it.
" Thanks Dad. "
" Maybe you are hungry, what do you want to eat, Alexandria? " My mom asked.
" Coffee perhaps and some pancakes?" I smiled at them. They both knew it's my favorite.
"Ha! You sure do have a thick head!" A loud grinning Zoe went in.
" I brought your favorite banana pancake with maple syrup!" she beamed before handing a paper bag to my mom. My mom motioned for her to keep it down, Gosh. She can really be so loud and careless every so often.
Zoe murmured" oops, my bad" before finally giving me a bone crushing hug.
" God! You scared me, Alec, I'm so happy to see you finally awake and smiling." She said to me,
" Thanks Zoe" I tap her back a few times letting her know that I'm fine.
" And how's our big guy?" She turned to her side and kissed my son's forehead.
"I'm ok now Aunt Zoe, moms finally woken up." he cheered happily, looking at me with a smile on his face.
"That's our big boy!" Zoe beams, messing his hair.
"Alright. Enough from talking and let's eat.
Coffee is ready now." My moms announced. Smelling the  aroma of the brewed coffee steaming in the coffee maker and the smell of pancakes mixed with banana made my stomach grumble. I was relying on this fast for two days with the I.v attached in my hand, but now that I'm fully awake, I can feel how weak I am.
" Careful and eat slowly, Alec, please keep in mind your stomach is empty for two days." My mom's lovely reminder, telling me not to gulp my food.
Damn! I'm starving. I think I can devour half of the pancake on my plate to my mouth!
" I will, mom, thank you." I slowly eat and savor the delicious pancake in my mouth before swallowing it down and sipping a little on my coffee. It's like heaven when my taste buds hit the exquisite taste of coffee.
I was done eating when we heard a knock on the door. A doctor in his mid-fifties came in. He glanced at his chart and smiled at me.
" Good morning, Mrs. Harlington. Glad to see you in a good mood today." He greeted me.
" Thank you, Doctor Steve." I said after reading his name embroidered on his lab coat.
" Well, I came here to check on you. Let's see.''  He came next to me, checking the bandage on my head. After a few minutes, he speaks again.
" Hmm, you are improving day by day, Mrs. Harlington, the cuts on the back of your head are fairly healing. But If you'd like, around this afternoon we can do an MRI scan on your head again to be sure that everything is alright. I will also remove this I. V attached to you, since you're awake now and can eat by yourself." He explained.
" Thank you, Doctor Steve, for this M.R.I scan. I will gladly do that later. But please, can you tell me how my husband's condition is ?" I asked worriedly.
"Ahh yes, sure." He cleared his throat before talking again.
"I think it's best if we discuss this without your son around." He trailed off. My Dad quickly understood what the doctor meant to say and asked my son if he wanted to walk with him outside. My son worriedly stared at me, scared to leave my side. I smiled at him and cupped his cheeks.
" I will be fine, smart guy. Go with grandpa and have a walk. I heard there's a nice outdoor play garden in this hospital. Go check it out." I smile at him, reassuring that I'm fine and not going anywhere. After a few minutes of staring at my face, he finally decided to go with his grandpa. Before going down to the hospital bed, he gave me a hug and a kiss on my cheek. When the doctor was sure that my innocent son was safe on hearing what he needed to say.
He finally spoke.
" So about Mr. Harlington, he got shot just above his heart, he lost a lot of blood, luckily his Dad matches his blood type. We did a blood transfusion before he underwent an operation. He got some fractured bone where the bullet passed but all in all, he was safe. It's a miracle that there are no important veins being hit by the bullet. And your husband is still under observation in case he gets some infection or complications. But seeing how healthy his body, I'm sure he will recover soon." His voice was laced with confidence, assuring us that my husband will be alright...
I heave a sigh of relief knowing my husband will be ok soon and, last but not the lease, 'out of critical condition.
After the doctor removed the I. V attached to my left arm, he bid us goodbye. I decided, since my son is still out walking around with my Dad around the hospital, that it's time to see my husband again. I asked Zoe to help me out of the bed and go to the extended bathroom inside my room. I wash my face and brush my teeth. After brushing my hair, I finally walked my way to the other room where Clyde's resting.
I knocked twice before me and Zoe entered the room. I saw Amanda just waking up. Claire pops her head between the curtain that separates the room where Clyde's bed is located to check who their visitor is. Seeing me, a smile formed on her lips.
" You look much better today, Alec." She greets.
" Thanks Claire, hi Amanda. I'm so sorry about last night." I apologize, I know I rant on them unintentionally.
" It's fine. We are the ones who needed to apologize. Our resources are not enough to keep both of you safe. My heart is so broken, seeing how battered you were when we first saw you two days ago. I can't believe there's this kind of person around there." Amanda said before reaching her hand for me to come near her.
Seeing how tired she was, I knew right then  that she never once left the hospital to go home and have some proper sleep. I hug her tight and shed the tears that threatening to run down her cheeks. The once regal look on her face was now etched with wrinkles and worry lines.
" Shush, I'm fine now whatever happened two days ago is in the past, let's forget about it and focus more on Clyde's condition. How is he? "
" Ohh, dear, how can you say that? It will take a few months or years before I will forget what happened to the both of you! My son is not yet waking up. The doctor said he was probably in a mild state of coma because he lost a lot of blood. Alexandria, dear, pleased to talk to him. Tell him to wake up now. I can't bear seeing him laying so unconscious and not moving! Make him wake up soon, please." She begged, sobbing at my shoulder. Her once strong front walls making her look so intimidating at first glance is gone. Now, Amanda was just a mother longing to see her son awakes. I gently caress her back up and down. Attempting to calm her down. I have to bite my inside cheeks to hold the tears wanting to escape my eyes. I have to be strong for them, for my son. I felt Claire hug us both from behind.
" Mom, calm down, maybe you're the next one who's going to be sick if you don't take care of yourself... '' Claire scolded her mom. A growing concern etched in her beautiful face. I pull Amanda gently out of my hug and wipe some tears on her cheeks again.
" Claire is right, Amanda, you have to go home and take some rest. Clyde won't be happy seeing you like this when he wakes up." I said to her,
" No. I can't leave my son, not until I see him wake up already." She strongly disapproved. I and Claire both stared at each other for a second before we heard a deep baritone voice coming from the door.
" They are right, my love, you should come with me and go home. You look not so fit anymore to stay here. Your Son won't be so happy if he knows he's the reason his mom is also sick." Christopher said.
" Oh Christopher. I hate you! But all of you are right." She finally gave in. We all laugh hearing her banter with her husband. Amanda promised she would see us all later after she got some good rest. We all hugged her tight, promising her that we will take good care of Clyde while she's away.
Now it's my time to be with my husband.

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