⚜️CHAPTER-27 ⚜Reconcile⚜️

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Standing in front of my parents' house gave me a surreal feeling. Scanning the surroundings brought a smile to my face. This place still looked the same. I remember my childhood time when Zoe and I would pick some garden flowers in the neighborhood, which earned us a big scolding from our parents when someone complained about us ruining their garden.
I really felt sorry for Zoe that time because she earned the blame more than me. Even if I tell them it's my idea. They will never believe me. My strand of thought was cut off when I felt Alexander pulling the hem of my blouse.
"Mommy, what are we doing here?" those cute innocent brown eyes, asked me. I smiled at him and messed his hair before bending down to his level.
" You see this house, little smart guy? " He nodded his head.
" This is my mom and dad's house. Like Daddy has his mom and dad too. Do you like to meet them?" I clarified.
" Oh? Ok, mommy, but how come I have never seen them before?" he curiously asked.
Damn! This boy is a smart ass.

" Because they're busy like mommy, and we live far away, sweetheart." I know I lied about it, but I can't tell him the whole truth. Though he acts older than his age, for me, he's still a child and every so often a little lie won't hurt anybody.
" Ok." he said after with those cute little fingers forming an ok' sign. I smiled back at him and messed his hair again.
He's so cute!
I have to hold myself not to cuddle him right now. Because I would rather not cringe his clothes. It was then when a loud gasp came out in the front door of my parents' house. It was followed with a hysteric voice of my mom calling my Dad.

" Charles! Look who we have here! Hurry!" My moms frantic voice. She quickly walked down the stairs with her eyes streaming with tears. I stood up and held Alexander's hand. Readying myself for what's going to happen. She stopped scanning me from head to toe before staring longer at my son with longing and excitement. Then she stared back at me, sadness and longing was written all over her face.
" Ohh sweetheart, what took you so long." was the only thing she said before I broke down and hugged my mom.
God. I don't know that I miss her so terribly, I miss the scents of her that could make me calm. I missed those warm hugs that only a mother can give. Furthermore, I cried in her arms while asking for her forgiveness.

" Ohh, dear, it was us who needed to ask for your forgiveness. Forgive us for not accepting things. We were too proud and had so much high expectations of you that reasoning to us was out of the picture. We're so sorry for not understanding you before." My mom sobbed, hugging me tightly. It was more than enough that they never really hated me for ruining their dreams for me. When I saw my dad walking down to meet us. I couldn't help but smile at him.
My dad didn't hide his tears and hugged me as well.
" Welcome home, my princess, I missed you so much." he said to me before kissing both of my cheeks. Then he bent down and smiled at his grandchild.
" Well, hello little guy, do you like to watch some cartoons on the tv?" he asked while offering his hands. Assessing if Alexander won't be scared of him. Alexander looked up at me, asking what he needed to do.
" It's alright, Alexander." I smiled at him.
It was then that my son reached for his grandpa's hand and walked with him inside the house. We followed them inside and We had a lot of catching up 'talking' about my life and Alexander's dad.
They were pleased to know that he married me and is now living as a happy family. My Dad asked if I can bring my husband the next time we visit them.
It's about two and half hours of nonstop talking when we heard the doorbell ring and a loud frantic voice of Zoe came after.

When we opened the door, Zoe quickly hugged me and greeted my mom and dad. Not only that, her parents are present too with matching foods with them to share with everybody. It was like a reunion of the two families. My heart is filled with joy, seeing my family and Zoe's family bond together like there's no gap from before. I felt Zoe's arm on my shoulder.
" Ahh Finally! Everything is in good harmony again." she said while eating a slice of Hawaiian pizza.
" Hmm, You're right, Zoe, it feels good to see them happily talking like the old times." I said to her, leaning my head on her shoulder.
" Mommy! Mommy. Can I eat pizza also?" Alexander asked that caught my attention.
" Yup! You certainly can, smart guy. Come here, give me a hug..." Zoe answered for me.
" Yes!" my son cheekily said, before hugging his Aunt Zoe.
" Ohh, you're so cuddly! I'm so sorry I couldn't visit you last time, are you doing well in your new school?" Zoe carries Alexander and brings him to the couch next to her while both are stuffing pizza in their mouth.
" Is it fun in your new school?" Zoe asked.
" Yup Aunt Zoe, though there's this group of girls that don't like me." he said sadly.
" Really, Next time I visit you in your new home, I'll be the one who's bringing you to school, so they can taste the wrath of Mighty Aunt Zoe!" Zoe said comical, that made Alexander smile again.
" Yehey" he cheered up, which made everybody smile.
Time went so fast that we didn't notice it was almost dawn. Alexander was so tired from playing that he even fell asleep. I lay him down on my old bed while smiling at myself, scanning around my old medium size room.
Flashes of old-good-time memories came flooding in my mind. It really felt good when everything is falling in its right places. A knock on the door brought me back to the present.

" Hey, Alec, there's someone at the door telling us he's your bodyguard and driver. He wanted to talk to you about something that looks so urgent." Zoe informed me, looking serious.
Damn! I was so overwhelmed by everything that's happening today that I forgot to call Clyde.
" Thanks Zoe." I said to her before glancing back to my son, who's in deep sleep.
" Don't worry, I'll look after him." Zoe said after.
I thought she left already, but I'm glad that she didn't. I stood up and snatched my purse while my hand was searching for my phone inside the bag. When I reached my phone and was already at the front door. I glance back to my family and smile at them.
" I'll be back in a few minutes, guys." I told them before exiting the door.

When I reached outside, I saw the black limousine we rode this morning was parked two houses away from my parents' house. Strange why Mr. Gerard parks there when he can park in front of my parents' house?
Without thinking, I walked my way there while dialing Clyde's phone number.
I had to apologize that I forgot about the time. When I was only three steps away from the limousine. Two tall, masculine guys exited the limo and walked straight at me.
Panicking, I put my phone quickly behind my back and tried to run away! But they were fast, and before I could even scream for help, someone held my mouth and forcefully pulled me inside the limo, I screamed in horror, seeing the bloody face of Mr. Gerard next to me.
He was unconscious, and I prayed that he was still alive.
Someone put a handcuff on one of my hands before lifting it up to cuff the other in the roof door handle. I scream in agony, feeling the skin in my hand forcefully scrape to the metal handcuff.
Whoever these people are, One thing is for sure, I'm being kidnapped.
Ohh, God, help me!
It was then when I remembered that I called Clyde and if he didn't turn it off he might still be listening on the other line. So I scream with all my might.
" Clyde, save me. I'm being kidnapped." one guy quickly slapped my face hard, that knocked me out of my consciousness.
" Quickly throw her purse out of the window."

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