Chapter 27

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Destiny's pov

I don't know what to say to make his cry stop. But I didn't, he should let out his emotions. Looks like he didn't cry for years. So I let him cry. I hugged him tightly and caressed his back. He just needed his parents love.

When he started to say about his parents, I could here the hurt in his voice. I think even Melissa gave the parent love, but she didn't understand him completely. He is lonely even he had supporters and caring people in his life. I am happy that my parents gave us the time and love we needed. Every child on this earth need their parents love.

He is still crying, I shifted at the end of the couch and made Liam to sleep on it by placing his head my lap. He immediately hugged my stomach and cried silently. I caressed his hair and started to give a head massage to him. He soon went to sleep. His right side of the face was on my stomach with his arms around me. I rubbed his face to remove the stains of tears. I moved my fingers in his hair.

I know Liam he will forgive them easily. He is kind. He may look arrongent on the outside but he is a softy on inside. I just came to know now when he cried.

After few minutes, the balcony door opened and Alexis came in saying "What are you doing....." she stopped talking when I slightly turned towards her and said her to be silent my keeping my finger on the lips. She looked confused, slowly she moved forward and saw Liam sleeping on my lap. Her mouth formed 'o' in realisation. She came and sat where Liam sat earlier.

"Why is he sleeping, and why do you have wet patch on your shoulder" she whispered. I turned and looked at my shoulder, sure there is wet patch.

"Wait, don't tell me he cried" she asked in a concerned vice. I just nod my head. She was surprised to hear.

"I didn't know he would also cry. I haven't seen him like this. What happened" Alexis voice was filled with worry. I think she always seen him cheerful, playing pranks with her, being arrogant. I looked down at his face and moved my fingers in his hair.

"I think he was just lonely, all the emotions he had pented up came out. He said about his parents and started crying" I said and looked up at her. She was looking at him in concerned.

"He was always there for me when I needed something. He is like a brother to me. Even though he likes to prank me a lot, I adore him" she said and looked up at me "You might not believe me, since you started working here he had been more lively than I ever seen. He likes you" I looked at her shock. She must be joking.

"You are joking right!" I whispered to her. My heart was beating fast now.

"I am not" she shook her head "Before you came here, I haven't seen him interact with any woman neither standing next to any woman talking. Only with who he is concerned about he cares for them. Yet see him now hugging you and sleeping in your lap" hearing her I looked away. What do I do now.

"By looking at your face, I know you like him too. But something is holding you back. I will just say, give him a chance" she said. I looked at her slightly smiling replied "I am not sure that he likes me".

"It's okay Destiny, I know this idiot of my boss takes time to realize his feelings. Till then you have time too" I just simply nod her. She quickly took out her mobile and clicked pictures of him and me.

"What are you doing" I asked her in confuse.

"This will be in handy when I need it. Till then no word about me being here" I chuckled at her statement. Why did she come here in the first place.

"Why did you come here, did you have any work" I asked her. She shook her head and said "I just thought to annoy him, because of what he did yesterday. When I came here you and him were missing. I was about to close the door but I saw you sitting here. So I came here to see what you were doing".

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