Chapter 52

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Liam's pov

I saw as Destiny walk upstairs. This is a mess. I didn't want this to happen. I wanted to introduce her to the world as my princess. I know she is sad about this. But she is covering it up with a neutral face. Atleast she was happy on the way, when we came here in helicopter. I have to think about this. I can't tell media anything without Destiny's opinion. She is still not ready for this world. I have to look for a alternate ways.

My mom came and sat beside me.

"Everything will be alright son" she said. I nodded my head.

"Mellisa can I get a coffee. And something for Destiny" I said leaning my head back. Mellisa said okay and went towards the kitchen.

"Son is there anything I need to know before I go to work" my dad asked. I explained him my meetings which I wanted to attend, only important ones. My mother got up and left.

"I will ask Destiny to mail the schedule to Alexis. She will help you" l said getting up. I went to kitchen and saw Mellisa cutting some fruits. She saw me and gave my coffee. I took a sip and signed.

"How did Destiny take it" she asked continuing her work.

"She said, she was sad and angry. But she is keeping it low. I know she is sad" I said drinking my coffee.

"She is a strong girl. She is just shocked to hear them. She will get use to it like you did. I know it's not easy for you too. I have seen you" she came towards me saying that and hugged me. I hugged back. She knows me so well. She pulled away and went to blender.

"I made a smoothie for her. Here" Mellisa said as I placed my empty cup down. I took it from her and went upstairs to my room.

I went inside and saw Destiny typing something in her laptop sitting cross legged on the couch. She had changed into a loose T-shirt which has fallen down on one shoulder with sweatpants. I sat beside me and gave her the drink. She looked up and looked at the drink.

"I asked Mellisa to make something. She made a smoothie for you" I said. She placed the laptop on the table and took the glass from me.

"I want you to send my schedule to Alexis" I said leaning back on the couch. I looked at ceiling placing my head back.

"I already sent it, she just called me. I don't have much work to do, just few documents. Everything will have to look after Alexis" she said.

"Good. But again Alexis have to stress about it" I said closing my eyes.

"Is it okay for you to not go to the office. I mean I know how busy your schedule is" she asked.

"It is okay, my father will handle the meetings. I am going to take online if it's important" I said.

"Okay" she said. I opened my eyes and looked at Destiny, she was drinking the smoothie. She completed it and pulled the glass away from her lips. She has got a mustache from the smoothie, she looked cute. She placed the glass on the table and looked at me.

She doesn't know she has something on her upper lips. I smiled, she looked at be confused. I chuckled and leaned down to her and kissed her lips. I licked her mustache smoothie and pulled away slightly.

"Mhmmm the smoothie is good. I have to try it sometime" I mumbled against her lips and kissed her deeply. I put my tongue into her mouth, she tasted like smoothie. She pulled away.

"You taste like coffee" she said taking her laptop.

"Go and work. Don't let your father suffer alone" she said narrowing her at me playfully.

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