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*Three weeks have passed since the hot spring incident*

Iroh was humming through the palace. His mood was better than usual. He just came from date with Asumi , the beautiful circus woman he met at the tea shop. He thought about her a lot recently and it inspired him to write poems. Iroh had been single for way to long and forgot how to fall in love.

" Uncle, why are in such a good mood today ?" Zuko asked while he walked towards him with a soft smile.

" It's love" said Iroh while he suddenly blushed.

" Uncle , do you always have to be so cringe ?" Zuko said and still smiled.

" One day you will understand but maybe not with the person you are with right now." Iroh said , winked and moved on.

Most of the Gaang members are on missions. While Sokka and Katara were at the northern water tribe , Aang and Toph stayed in republic city. It's an emerging city and there is still lots of work to be done. The crime rate was increasing which is the main reason why Toph and Aang decided to help the citizens.

* meanwhile with Toph and Aang *

" I have been arresting criminals for the whole day. I'm so tired ." Aang said while he sighed.

" This city has no police force or even guards. " Toph said , pondering.

" You are pretty tough and you know how to get things done the first time. Why don't you open a police force here. I could help you with your communication skills. " Aang said while grinned.

" Nah , I like breaking rules and laws. I don't want to make them. " Toph said as she rested her hands behind her head, cockily.

' ... me ? ... a way...' Toph thought and continued walking.

It was already night time and the streets are full of people. All kinds of people were outside , elderly and families with children. They all looked happy even though it's quite dangerous to be outside especially at night time. They both went to get some dinner at a ramen shop. The quality and taste of the ramen was outstanding and the price was fair.

" I would help you with setting up the police station." Aang said while he slurped his noodles.

" Are we seriously still gonna talk about that ?" Toph said slightly annoyed.

" You are one of the best earth benders I know and you managed to teach me some earth bending. You have a talent and i think you could share that with other people to keep the ones that cannot bend safe. Non - benders like Sokka. " Aang said.

Toph hesitated while she thought of Sokka.

" That dummy can take care of himself." Toph said and continued eating.

" How about other people that are not skilled fighters ? Who is going to safe them ?" Aang asked.

" HELP ANYONE ! I HEARD SCREAMS FROM MY NEIGHBOURS HOUSE !"Screamed a man that came into the shop.

Toph and Aang followed the man to the neighbours house. One window was broken and the glass covered the ground below. The air was thick and but it was completely silence. Aang used his air bending , broke the door open and ran inside. Toph followed him but was anxious.

' ....I ... I can feel that someone is in the house ... but ... I cannot feel their heartbeat..." thought Toph while she focused on the vibration on her feet.

" Follow me !" said Toph and ran upstairs the house.

Aang followed her and they saw a locked door. Toph kicks the door open with her feet , ran inside but then she froze. Aang stops too but he later realised why Toph wasn't moving. He looked on the floor and and froze too.

*meanwhile with Katara and Sokka*

" What are you thinking about ?" asked Katara while she walked towards Sokka.

They stood on the great wall of the northern water tribe. The last time they looked at the beautiful ocean that was behind the walls was when the fire nation attacked the water tribe. the only thing that he saw right now what the deep blue ocean with nothing but some ice-bergs that covered parts of it. The view was magnificent.

" Hmm ...I just think about all the things we have experienced so far I guess." said Sokka while he looked at the ocean view .

" I see. It feels nice to be around some water benders." Katara said and leaned against the wall.

" Don't you miss the fire nation or your favourite fire bender Zuko ?" Sokka said, looked to Katara and grinned.

Katara blushed but got furious. She used her water bending to hit Sokka with a load of water.

" ARE out of your MIND ?! I am more than happy with Aang !" Katara shouted.

" Ok ok , I'm sorry it was just a joke." Sokka said and laughed.

Katara was still blushing and said " Aang is a very nice guy , if not the nicest guy I have ever known and any woman would be happy to have him by their side."

" But are you happy ? " Sokka asked.

Love is Blind...Sokka+TophWhere stories live. Discover now