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" I really don't know what I should do. I wish I could go back in time and ..." Sokka got interrupted by Aang.

" Stop ! You guys are perfect for each other. She just needs some time. " Aang said while tapping Sokka on the back

The Both of them were sitting at a bar and enjoying some non alcoholic drinks. A few days have passed since they kissed. Toph wanted some time and space to think about Sokka as she was still hurt really bad.

* meanwhile with Toph*

She sat at the living room on the sofa , thinking about what happened in the past days. She didn't really leave the house. All the did was sitting around and being too demotivated to move an inch. Her hair wasn't in a bun and all she wore for time being was a tank top and some loose pants. She just hugged a pillow while thinking about life.

" MAM PLEASE YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO..." Toph heard a guard scream.

" TOPH ? WHERE ARE YOU !? ARE YOU IN HERE ?!" Katara screamed.

" Katara ?..." Toph said to herself.

" PLEASE DON'T. MAM I DON'T WANT TO REPEAT MYSELF." the guard continued.

Suddenly the front door broke and Katara busted into Toph's house. She got up and ran to the door , trying to tell the army of guards that Katara is one of her friends and that they don't have to worry.

" The audacity of this one guy , screaming at a pregnant women. Anywaysssss... YOU KISSED SOKKA ?!" Katara said with bright smile.

Toph blushed , turned away from Katara and said " He started it !"

She walked back to her sofa were she would spend the whole day just laying around. Katara followed her. Toph jumped back on the sofa and buried her face in a pillow. She was happy that Katara visited her but was embarrassed what she found out through Sokka that the two had kissed.

" I know that he was an complete Idiot but one thing is for sure... He really loves you." Katara said while she sat on the sofa, gently petting Toph's head.

" He forgot about me." Toph said.

" He honestly didn't. Anytime Sokka would hang out with us he would constantly ask questions about you. He would literally get so happy when Aang told him that you are doing good and how successful you have become. " Katara said.

" So why did he not visit me." Toph whined.

" Because he is stupid and was scared.... You guys have to talk." Katara said with a soft smile.

Katara didn't have to tell Toph that. She knew that the both of them needed to talk and figure things out but she appreciated that Katara was by her side. The most uncomfortable part of this whole argument was , that Sokka was still living with her in the same house. She would have to feel his presence in the room that was right next to hers.

" You know what you need. A big shower. You have been laying here for days and should really consider to start taking care of yourself again." Katara said while shaking Toph who laid on the sofa.

" Just leave me alone. I just want to be a potato sack for a couple more days." Toph answered.

" No. Today is I-am - taking-care-of-myself -day. " Katara said pushed her of the sofa.

" Leaaaaaavvveee mmmeeee allllooonnnee..." Toph murmured on the floor.

Katara already made up her mind ,picked Toph up and dragged her to the private hot spring house in the gated community. Toph truly looked miserable. She hasn't washed her heair , brushed her teeth or took a shower in the last couple of days. Her eye bags were huge too from all those sleepless nights.

" Isn't this nice ?" Katara said while she lied in the hot spring and bended a lot of water to splash above Toph's head.

" So relaxing." Toph said sarcastically.

Katara was more careful while bathing in hot springs , still traumatised from the last time the both of them went to the hot springs. Toph's head just peaked out of the water ,on her head was a small lotus leaf with a turtle duck vibing on her head.

After they finished , Katara forced Toph to put on some clean cloth and blushed the hair for Toph. It was still very long , jet-black and straight. Katara softly smiled while brushing Toph's hair , Toph just sat patiently.

Katara lightly tucked Toph's long bangs away so she could see her face. " Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are ?" Katara said.

" Well Sokka ... and Kai..." Toph said.

" I forgot that this simp still existed. " Katara annoyingly said.

Toph laughed for the first time in a while. " That was such a weird guy , luckily Sokka and Aang saved me. " She said.

" He was so angry at Kai. I have seen him angry before but Sokka got insanely jealous and angry after what happened." Katara said and giggled.

" He is such an Idiot." Toph said and couldn't suppress a smile.

" When Aang told me that you guys kissed... I couldn't believe it. He actually went for it." Katara said.

Toph's whole head blushed " Stop reminding me ! Thats embarrassing. "

" No, whats embarrassing is that you want more ! ADMIT IT !" Katara screamed and had a fit of laugh.

Little did the both of them know , that Sokka was eavesdropping on them.

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