pssssshhhhhttt !

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Things were complicated but Sokka was ready to work on them. He wanted to fight and take the risk just to be with Toph. Even if they means to overstep some boundaries. He gave her a couple of days to relax and to spend time with Katara. Sokka however, was tired of waiting. He wanted to be with her.

" Hihihi." Sokka silently giggled to himself while he rubbed both off his hands against each other.

He sneaked around the corridors of the Beifong house. It was really late , so late that Toph was probably already asleep. She got used to sleeping on the bed which is she she didn't see anything, particularly creeps like Sokka. He sneaked silently into Toph's room while doing unnecessary spy like movements. Sokkas plan was to crawl up next to Toph while she is sleeping, hoping that she would accidentally cuddle him in her sleep. Aang told him that he shouldn't do it but the needy non-bender was convinced that this plan was morally fine.

" So pretty." He whispered while looking at Toph.

He moved to the other side of the room so he would cuddle up behind her. Toph would be the little spoon.  As Sokka imagined them laying together , he completely lost it and couldn't stop giggling anymore. He suddenly noticed how a bald headed man looked at him furiously through the window.

" Aang ?" Sokka whispered and silently opened the window.

" What are you pervert doing ???" Aang asked quietly but you could clearly hear his annoyance in his voice.

" I am seducing my future wife." Sokka said while blushing.

" She will think that you are weird ! Even weirder than Kai !" Aang said while still patiently waiting at the window.

" I am nothing like this dude !?" Sokka whispered.

" What are you two morons doing ?" Zuko whispered.

" Zuko ? what the... are you doing here." Sokka whispered.

" Well , you see ... I got kinda bored , I heard about you and Toph so I thought... why don't I take my dragon and come over here." Zuko whispered and smiled softly.

" So what are we looking at ?" King Bumi whispered.

" Bumi ?! " Aang whispered.

" Sokka is being a pervert." Zuko whispered while looking through the window.

" I am not." Sokka whispered.

" There is nothing creeping by looking at people through the window." King Bumi added.

" Why is this comment way more uncomfortable than the fact that Sokka is stalking Toph." Aang whispered.

" So whats the deal with Sokka and Toph." uncle Iroh whispered.

" You took your uncle with you ?!" Aang whispered.

" Oh oh stinky." King Bumi whispered.

" I wanted to visit Toph but I think we are interrupting something." uncle Iroh whispered while silently taking a sip of his tea.

" Yeah so can you guys leave?" Sokka whispered.

" That is so rude and I just got here." the cabbage man whispered.

" Who is this guy ?" Zuko whispered.

" Who is asking ?" the cabbage man snapped back.

" The firelord " Zuko whispered.

" You guys need to leave." Sokka whispered and got grumpy.

" No, you cannot just sleep in her bed." Aang whispered.

" What ? You wanted to sneak in her bed. Pretty weird if you would ask me." Zuko whispered.

" What ?! No it's not!" Sokka whispered.

" To be honest , it is." uncle Iroh whispered.

" It is very creepy. " Aang whispered.

" Very weird." Zuko whispered.

" That's really weird." the cabbage man whispered.

" No it's not weird. I am so glad that we both are on the same page. "  king Bumi whispered and smirked at Sokka.

" Ok now it's weird." Sokka whispered.

" It was never not weird " Ty lee whispered.

" Ty lee ? What are you doing here ? " uncle Iroh whispered.

" The actual question is, what are you doing here ?" Suki whispered.

" Oh my lord,  that's his ex " king Bumi whispered.

" I got married." Suki whispered.

" What are you two doing here !?" Aang whispered.

" Well, we wanted to take a vacation and why not visit republic city." Ty lee whispered.

" Girl , are you slow. He means , what you you doing here like right here at Toph's house." Zuko whispered.

" That was Suki's idea. she found out that Sokka has been stying with Toph." Ty lee whispered.

" Sounds like crazy ex vibes." the cabbage man whispered.

" I am over him !" Suki whispered.

" Yeah , that's what all crazy exes say. " uncle Iroh whispered.

" All of you need to leave. Now." Sokka whispered.

" Yeah this is a moment between me and Toph." king Bumi whispered.

" No this is Sokkas perverted adventure." Zuko whispered.

" my what - " Sokka whispered and got interrupted.

" Silence ! I think someone else is here" Aang whispered and suddenly got really nervous.

" Who ?" Ty lee whispered.

" Can you just shut up for one second. I can hear it too." uncle Iroh whispered.

Everyone looked at the backyard as the noice of water increased. It was not the sound of normal water. No, it was the sound of bended water.

" She is here." Zuko whispered while  he felt the anxiety he slowly got.

" Who." Suki whispered.

" My lovely wife..." Aang whispered.

Katara however, wasnt looking lovely at all. She was flowing really high above the ground because of her water bending. She had an ice-cooled look on her face and was ready to make this the worst day in history. Her hair was all over the place and her eyes were red and tired. This was the first time that they saw Katara that angry.

Sokka slowly closed the window...

Love is Blind...Sokka+TophWhere stories live. Discover now