Glossy lips

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The Party was still going and the court yard was filled with music. The others enjoyed their time while Sokka and Toph escaped to the back garden. Sokka had dropped Tophs's hand and she already missed the feeling of his big , warm hand.

" was your day ?" Sokka asked while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

'...why is his heart beating so he nervous ...why would he be ?...." Toph thought.

" It was really good. I exposed a cheat out in town today with Aang. Then I went out with Katara to buy a dress and got ready for today's party." rambled Toph.

" Oh I noticed. You look great." Sokka said , blushing.

" And your's ?" Toph asked , ignoring the compliment.

" I got a new sword with Suki." Sokka said and questioned if it was such a good idea to bring up Suki.

Sokka turned his head to Toph so that he can look how beautiful she is today. He noticed how the moonlight shined off , of  the gloss of her lips. They looked plump and kissable. He was blushing. He also noticed what curves Toph had which the dress accentuated.

" Are you staring at me." Toph asked.

Sokka blushed a deeper shade of red and quickly glanced away.

" Um no ... I ...would it be bad if I did...I actually didn't...I" Sokka shuddered and got even more nervous.

Toph giggled and said " Calm down Sokka. I'm just teasing you."

'...Katara did a really good job ... I guess that I really look great today...' Toph thought.

Sokka laughed for real this time.

" I knew that !" Sokka said while he was still smiling.

" I hear a fountain. Do you want to go there ?" Toph asked.

" Sure. I even have coins so we can make a wish. " Sokka said.

They both walked to the fountain. They stood in front of it and Sokka gave Toph a coin while he had one too. He threw his one in and made a wish.

" It's your turn." Sokka said and smiled softly.

Toph threw her coin into the fountain.

'... I wish  to find true love...' Toph wished in her head.

" What did you wish." Toph asked.

Sokka got closer to Toph's face and whispered " That's a secret.."

Toph blushed again and she felt the cold night breeze blow a strand of hair that was tucked behind her ear. Sokka gently brushed her hair back into place. Toph shivered, but she had a small smile on her face.

"cold?" Sokka asked, "here." Sokka removed his jacket and gingerly wrapped it around her bare shoulders.  "Better?"

Toph was slightly speechless, so she just smiled, nodding. Deep inside of her raged a tornado of feelings and butterflies.

" It is pretty late maybe we should go back. " Toph said, still bushing.

" I agree. I will take you to your room." Sokka said and gazed at her.

They went back to the palace. The others were already gone and probably slept already. The two were standing in front of Toph's room now.

" I really enjoyed the walk with you today." Sokka said nervously.

" I agree. Do you want your jacket back ?" Toph asked while she was still blushing.

" No, no , you can give it to me tomorrow." said Sokka.

He got closer to her. Sokka thought about kissing her, but Sukki was his girlfriend. He moved even closer. The only thing that he saw now was her lips.

"  Hey guys ! Wanna get some late night tea ?" Iroh asked.  Sokka yanked his head back.

" Thanks Iroh but I need to sleep now." said Sokka while he was blushing.

He hugged Toph to say and whispered " Good night. "

They both went to their bedrooms and all they could think of while lying in the bed was about each other. Sokka didn't sleep a lot that night because he thought a lot about Suki but more about Toph.

The next morning Suki came back from her mission and saw the others going to breakfast. Katara linked in with Toph's arm and Sokka was walking beside Aang.

" Sokka I'm back !" Suki said.

She ran towards him , jumped into his arms and kissed him right in front of Toph. Katara noticed that Toph grabbed her arm a bit more tightly and her face looked down. Toph felt heartbroken again.

" I'm glad that you came back safely. I have to go to the bathroom for a second and I will take Toph with me. We will see you in the dining room." Katara said and pulled Toph to the Bathroom.

Sokka looked after Toph and Katara as they both disappeared. He felt guilty and looked sad too.

" Why did you take me with you to the bathroom ?" Toph asked with a depressed undertone in her voice.

" Could it be that you are in love with Sokka ?" Katara carefully asked.  

Toph was shocked. She didn't expect Katara to ask that question but she wanted to finally tell someone about her feelings. She was so heartbroken and lost. Toph got tears and her eyes then she started crying. Katara rushed to her to hug her.

" Yes I am in love with him but that doesn't matter now. He has Suki." Toph said while she was sobbing.

" I- i am so sorry." Katara said and couldn't belive that Toph opened up.

Katara and Toph just sat on the bathroom floor and talked about their feelings. Toph told what happened yesterday  with her and Sokka and her feelings for him.

Love is Blind...Sokka+TophNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ