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Three more days have passed by. The fire nations blimp took Toph back to the fire nation. Some soldiers walked with her to the palace for protection.  Katara was waiting impatiently in front of the palace and as soon as she saw Toph ,  she ran towards her and hugged her.

" Thank god you are back !" Katara said while she was hugging Toph.

" Yeah , I missed you too , Katara." said Toph and couldn't hide her smile.

They walked to Toph's room and met Suki on the way.

" Hey Suki." Toph said.

Suki totally ignored her and bumped her shoulder as she walked pass. Toph stumbled and was surprised that Suki was so mean to her.

" Suki ?" Toph asked.

Suki did not answer. Katara and Toph walked into Toph's room and talked about what happened over the past days. Toph told her everything about Kai and Katara told Toph about the breakup between Suki and Sokka.

" Wait , I don't get it. Why did Sokka breakup with her ?" Toph asked while she laid on her bed.

Katara laid next to her and said " Its obvious ! He wants to be with you !"

" I'm not sure if I like him anymore. After what happened between me and Kai , I feel like that I need a break from boys for at least a few days."  Toph said.

Toph and Katara got up and decided to get some lunch. Toph opened the door and in front of her was Sokka.

" Sokka ?" Toph said.

Sokka said nothing and turned around , walking down the hall way quickly.

Katara turned to Toph and asked " Do you think he heard what you said ?"

" No of course not." said Toph sarcastically.

They both went to get some lunch and saw everyone else already waiting for them in the dinning room. The air was thick with tension and nobody spoke.

Katara laughed nervously and asked" Are you guys hungry ?"

" Who is Kai ?" Sokka asked with a slightly annoyed tone in his voice.

" None of your business." Toph said and got a bit defensive.

" Guys chill out. I think that Toph can do whatever she wants. She is single." Aang said.

" I understand Sokka's frustration. He left Sukki for her." Mai said.

Toph stood, knocking her chair to the floor with a bang. She turned around and just left.

" Toph ?" Sokka yelled after her.

Toph ran down the corridor. Sokka went after her and caught up. He grabbed her wrist to stop her from walking away.

" Wait." Sokka said with a sorrowful tone in his voice.

" What do you want ? You are just going put all your problems on me." Toph said.

Sokka opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"I didn't ask you to break up with Suki. I can hang out with who I want, and, last I checked, I don't need your permission to do it!"

Sokka let go of her wrist, and Toph could see the hurt in his eyes, but Toph didn't back down. She turned and walked into the back garden, and this time, Sokka didn't follow her.

Aang and Katara ran after them and saw Sokka at the corridor just standing and staring into nothing. Aang went after Toph while Katara stayed with Sokka to comfort him. Aang saw Toph sitting at the fountain and she looked very sad. He came up to her and sat down right next to Toph.

" I don't need a lecture now." Toph said with a sad voice.

" I'm sorry. Katara and I were just worried about you guys." Aang said calmly.

" Do you think that I overreacted ?" Toph asked and got tears in her eyes.

" Sometimes friends just argue. That's normal so don't worry everything will be fine." Aang said while he tried to calm her down.

* meanwhile with Sokka and Katara * 

Katara stood next to Sokka and asked " Hey...are you ok ?"

Sokka looked down to the floor. He was angry , sad but happy that Toph was finally back.

" I am in love with Toph but I guess she has someone else." Sokka said.

" No she doesn't. She rejected him a few days ago , your jealousy is just taking over you. " Katara said and hugged him.

" Yeah , you are probably right. I am going to the gym." Sokka said.

He wanted to do something that would distract him from Toph and Kai. In the evening Katara visited Toph to check on her but she wasn't in her room. The room was messy and her stuff was all around the floor. It looked like a fight had happened as some metal was bent as well. Katara got anxious. Where is Toph ?

" Guys ! Toph is gone ! " Katara screamed when she finally found the others.

Sokkas eyes widen and he was shocked. In the same moment some soldiers ran up the group.

" Fire lord Zuko, some of the guards were found unconscious and injured." reported one soldier.

" Something is terribly wrong." Zuko said with an angry voice.

" I will go and look for Toph." Sokka said.

" I will go with you !" said Aang and look his glider.

" Mai , Katara , Suki and I are looking around the palace. " said Zuko.

Sokka ran to his room to grab his sword and  followed Aang outside.

Love is Blind...Sokka+TophWhere stories live. Discover now