Ba sing se

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Toph and Katara talked a lot at that day. They stole some food and left the palace to have a picnic in a park near a river. They ate and just enjoyed the sun.

" I think I need some distance from Sokka. So that I can sort my feelings and thoughts." Toph said while eating some strawberries.

" Where do you want to go ? I will definitely come with you ! " Katara said and looked worried.

" I am strong enough to look after myself Katara. I just want to go to Ba Sing Se for a week." Toph said and laid down on the soft grass.

" Are you sure that you want to go all alone ?" Katara asked.

" Yes, I need some time for me. I am always so busy caring about everyone else but not me." Toph said while thinking about what happened yesterday.

" If that is truly what you want, I will support you." Katara said, but she was genuinely sad that Toph wanted to leave.

" I will go today. I will ask for a fire nation blimp. They will take me directly to Ba Sing Se." Toph said.

She already packed all her stuff in a little bag which was right next to her. She grabbed some more strawberries and ate them. Katara looked up to the sky. She knew that she couldn't stop her. Katara went with Toph to the Fire Nations Airport.

" Don't you want to say goodbye to the others ?" Katara asked.

" I don't really like goodbyes; they make me even more sad." Toph said.

Toph hugged Katara.

" Thank you. Don't worry , I will be back soon." Toph said and went into the blimp.

The blimp took off and Katara watched as it disappeared between the clouds. Katara went back to the palace. She felt sad since she and Toph had an even stronger friendship now. Aang hugged Katara from the back.

" Where have you been ?" Aang asked and smiled.

Katara turned around , held his hand and said " I just bought Toph to the Airport."

" What ? Why ?" Aang asked while he rised his left eyebrow.

" She just needs some other earth benders around her thats why she is traveling to the Earth Nation. " Katara lied.

Aang knew that Katara was hiding something, but he didn't wanted to make her uncomfortable, so he acted like he believed her.

" Oh, ok, Do you want to join the others." Aang asked.

" Sure " Katara said.

The two walked to the others and Katara told them the same lie about Toph. Sokka was wondering what the true reason was as he also noticed that Katara was lying.

* Three days have passed by, meanwhile with Toph *

Toph was walking through the streets with her new outfit that she bought. It was similar to her old one but it enhanced the curves that she had more. Especially her hips. She wore her hair loose but still wore her headband. She was on her way to get some lunch in a Japanese restaurant that was famous for its ramen. She sat down at a table and ordered tea and a bowl of ramen.

" Um hey , can I sit with you ?" a guy asked.

" Who are you ?" asked Toph.

" Oh, sorry , my name is Kai and I thought you are very pretty so decided to come over." Kai said.

" I'm not interested. " Toph said and sipped on her tea.

'... I have had enough of boys... but I am single ...just one date isn't that bad..." Toph thought.

Kai was a tall guy with brown hair and brown eyes. He was a son of a lumberjack , so he would always go with his dad to the forest and chop some trees, which is why he was widely build.

" Please just for one hour. " he said while staring at Toph's fetching face.

" Fine , one hour. " she said.

They both got their ramen bowls and started talking. The one hour ,got to two hours and then to three. It was already already 5pm by the time they walked out of the restaurant.

" Do you maybe want to go for a little walk ?" Kai asked while he held Toph's hand.

" Sure !" Toph said and smiled.

They walked though the town while they still held hands. They talked and laughed a lot while and they even stoped sometimes to hug. Kai bought her in front of earth nations palace where Toph was staying for the time being the was in Ba sing se.

" So I will pick you up tomorrow evening , right ?" said Kai.

He leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the mouth. Then he turned around and walked home. Toph was baffled.

' ...he kissed me !?... but I actually still like Sokka...' thought Toph.

She went straight to her bed, changed her clothes and fell asleep.

* the next morning , meanwhile in the fire nation *

Zuko knocked on Sokka's bedroom door " Sokka, wake up ! You are late for our training."

Sokka woke up. He stayed up the whole night thinking about Toph. Again.

" I am coming ! Sorry." Sokka said.

Sokka got ready and rushed to opened the door. Zuko and Sokka were doing some workouts now because they both wanted to gain some muscles. The palace had a gym with some weights were they would always train.

Love is Blind...Sokka+TophWhere stories live. Discover now