Iroh's tea

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Sokka and Zuko were both in the gym and trained together. Sokka took a dumbbell and trained his biceps while Zuko did some push ups.

" Your armes go bigger and your muscles on your abdominal muscles got much more defined." Zuko said and continued doing his push ups.

" Yeah , some of my shirts feel kind tight but your arms got really defined. " Sokka said.

He finished a set and did a little break. He looked down with a sad look on his face.

" What's wrong ? Are you not in the mood for training today ?" Zuko asked.

" I'am just wondering why Toph wanted to go to Ba sing se. She did't even say goodbye to us." Sokka said while he continued training.

" Hmm, maybe she has a secret lover." Zuko said and grinned.

Sokka froze , turned around and said " secret lover !?"

Zuko started laughing and said " No, I'm just kidding. I have no clue what she is looking for in Ba sing se. Why are you so shocked about the secret lover ? Do you like Toph ?" Zuko asked and continued grinning.  

" No ... I just no its not like that ..." Sokka said while trying to act normal.

" I mean she is single , comes from a wealthy family and is very pretty. Every boy would want her." Zuko said and watched how Sokka would react.

Sokka's face was now grumpy all he could think of was Toph with a different guy. It drove him insane. He got up and was about to exit the gym.

" Where are you going ?" Zuko asked.

" I am going to break up with Suki." Sokka said determinedly.

Zuko was surprised but he already knew from Sokkas reaction , that he liked Toph a lot. Sokka looked for Suki. He found her with Mai in the dining room chatting and eating some snacks.

" Suki, I..." Sokka got interrupted.

" I was looking for you already ! Guess what i found in Toph's room ? " Suki asked while she pulled out Sokka's jacket.

" My jacket..." Sokka said.

" Right ! Why was that in Toph's room ?" Sukki asked ,demanding for an answer.

" I was just going for a walk with her and it was cold , so I gave her my jacket. " Sokka said calmly.

" Oh ok, good than I'm relived." Suki said , smiled and came closer to Sokka to hug him.

He stopped her.

" I need to talk to you." Sokka said with a serious face.

They both went to the court yard to talk. They sat down and for the first moment it was very silent.

" So...what do you want to talk about." said Suki nervously.

Sokka turned around and said " I am breaking up with you."

Suki jumped up and screamed " WHAT ? WHY ?!"

" I am sorry Suki but this between us is not working out." Sokka said calmly.

" Really? It's not working out? Because YOU never put in the effort. Because you were giving jackets to other girls. I missed you every second while I was gone! Can you say the same?"

Sokka went silent, "Suki... Suki I'm sorry."

"You're sorry now, but I'm not. You're right, Sokka. We are done." Suki said and left.

Iroh watched as Suki stormed passed him. Iroh walked towards the court yard and saw Sokka sitting and staring into nothing.

" Do you want some tea , fellow friend ?" Iroh asked while sitting down beside him ,put the tea pot and a cup next to him.

" Thank you Iroh that's very nice of you." said Sokka and poured some tea in a cup and took a sip.

Iroh also poured some tea in a cup for himself and said " I see that there is trouble in paradise."

" I just broke up with her. She wasn't happy about it at all." Sokka said and looked at his tea cup.

" I remember when I was your age. I had a girlfriend too before I met the mother of Lu Ten. I left my girlfriend to realise, that the mother of my son was the love of my life." Iroh said with a soft smile on his face.

" I see..." Sokka said and smiled too.

*Times had passed and it's now evening , meanwhile with Toph "

Kai was already waiting for Toph in front of the earth palace. She finally came and greeted Kai. Toph had a dress on that one of the palace servants gave her. It was long , emphasised her waist , had long sleeves and was pastel green .

" You look very pretty today." Kai said while he grinned and blushed.

"Thank you !" said Toph.

They both got some dinner at the same Japanese restaurant were they first met. They sat down and enjoyed their dinner together while thy talked and laughed a lot.

' ...He is actually really cute...and i know that he is interested in me ...and he doesn't have a girlfriend...' toph thought.

She was happy but she felt if something was missing. Kai was nice , loving and very caring but she still thought about Sokka. Why wouldn't he get out of her head ? After their dinner , they went for a walk and then back to the palace.

" For how long are you staying  in Ba sing se ?" Kai asked while holding Toph's hand.

" three more days." Toph said.

" Are you coming to visit me again ?" Kai asked with a sad face impression.

" I will definitely return to Ba sing se some day." Toph said and smiled.

Kai smiled too and came closer to her.

' ...oh no...what is he up to...?' Toph thought.

Kai moved even closer now.

' ...but i still like Sokka ...this doesn't feel right ...' thought Toph and got nervous.

Kai leaned  forward and was about to kiss her. Toph stepped backwards to avoid the kiss.

" Sorry but I think that I am not ready for this yet." Toph said , turned around and ran in to the palace.

Love is Blind...Sokka+TophOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant