sooo pregnant

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Hey guys , I started another story and would appreciate it if you would check it out !

It's a Oikawa ( from Haikyuu) x reader !


" HURRY UP YOU TURDES !!!" The cook said and then turned to Toph , smiling.

" Do you want anything else , Miss Beifong. " The cook said with a polite voice.

Toph was with Sokka and Aang at a sushi bar. The most famous one in Republican city. The restaurant was particularly famous for its delicious food and grumpy chef cook who would insult every employee he had. Sometimes even the costumers.

" Soooo why don't we talk abouuttttt.... well Katara is so pregnant , isn't she ?" Aang said while grinning at Sokka and Toph , desperately trying to make the tension less awkward.

" You look really nice Toph . " Sokka said shyly.

" I don't know how I look like. I'm blind." Toph monotonously said while taking a sip of her drink.

" Yeah, I know but ... I just -..." Sokka stuttered.

" Excuse me but your food is ready." he cook said.

The three of them ate in Silence while Aang still tried to start a conversation. The food tasted fantastic as always. The night was lively as many people were outside. The police patrolled and greeted Toph as soon as they saw her. The city was finally safe enough for everyone.

" You can go back to Katara ; Aang. I would like to bring Toph home." Sokka said.

" What if I want to go home by myself." Toph said while having her arms crossed in font of her chest.

Aang however, left before Sokka replied. He knew that those two had to talk since Sokka didn't visit Toph in all those years. Sokka wanted to but was afraid that Toph didn't want to see him. When he refused to visit her , he clearly made things worse between them.

Sokka turned around " Toph , I owe you an apology. I was just-"

Toph interrupted him , " I thought you hated me ! You didn't even visit me for one day ! Not a single day after those 10 years ! I thought you might have died !" she shouted.

Toph was so angry that she continued shouting at him for 30 minutes. He listened. He didn't interrupt her because he knew that she needed to get all of her frustration out. After all those years he still had feeling for her but was afraid to lose her. Aang was keeping him updated but he wanted to know a lot more about the women he loved. There was this one thought that kept him awake for hours. This one thought that didn't leave his mind. He was afraid to ask as he was afraid of the answer.

After Toph finished insulting him he asked " Are you dating someone ?"

Both blushed.

" What..." Toph whispered.

Sokka cleared his voice and said " Are you dating someone ?"

Toph didn't know what to answer. How could she ? She just went on nagging , telling Sokka how awful of a person he is. Yes, she still had feelings for Sokka. Strong ones. Even when she nearly forgot all the memories they had together as those 10 years were passing by. She also tried to replace him with someone else but she would never get over the fact that no one could ever be like Sokka.

" I am not dating anyone..." Toph said while she started walking home. Sokka followed her.

While they walked home Sokka said " I have been spending most of my time in the northern water tribe. You know just taking care of the political stuff and planning. I also spend lots of time with Zuko."

Topg replied " Yeah; I know. Even the firelord himself visited me with Mai and Iroh"

The streets got more empty as time passed. It was already really dark outside but you couldn't see any stars at the night sky. It was quite cool outside but that didn't bother the both of them. They just quietly walked around the neighbourhood. Toph didn't live in a normal neighbourhood. No, it was a gated community which were guarded by her own police force at all times. Some politicians and lieutenants lived here with their families as well. Each of them would have a big house with a garden and some of them would even have an own swimming pool. The guards let Sokka in to the gated area which was huge and majestic.

They stopped at a house which had the Beifong symbol engraved above the door. " Do you want to stay for the night ?" Toph shyly asked.

" Sure !" Sokka rapitly answered as he feared that Toph would suddenly change her mind.

They stepped into her house which was insanely big. She had multiple bedrooms with bathrooms , a royal like dinning room and a huge kitchen. The backyard had a big cherry tree and a small rivulet that flowed through the backyard and a tiny bridge. The house wasnt really decorated but Sokka didn't mind. He knew that Toph had found no use in decorating her house.

He picked up one of the papers of the paper pile at the kitchen table. Sokka said " Woa all of those are certificates and thank you letters !!!" He read one of them out loud " Dear miss Beifong, we are congratulating you for being one of the youngest police CEO of history..." He read while making a funny old mens voice.

" I don't even know why I keep them. I cannot even read but some people just ignore that and still send me letters." Toph said while she grinned.

" Don't worry, I will stay with you and any time you receive a letter I will read it to you." Sokka said.

" That would be nice..." Toph whispered.

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