The fort

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* meanwhile with Toph* 

" Where am I you little freak ?" Toph yelled. 

Her feet were bound in a bag, she saw nothing. She couldn't even move her hands as they were bound so tightly together.

" I am here for you , for us. " Kai said in a calm voice. 

Toph grimaced and spat, although she was not sure where and said "Never gonna happen."

Kai yelled in frustration and said " You don't have to pretend that you are not in love with me. Your friends are not here." 

" Oh really ? " Sokka said while he grabbed his sword. 

Aang has seen Kai walk into the forest when he was gliding on his glider. He immediately told Sokka and the fire nations army which is why they surrounded the forest already. Aang snatched Toph from Kai's arm and untied her while Sokka had an intense fight with Kai. As Kai is a son of a lumberjack he was very skilled with axes. He pulled out his double sided axe and got ready to finish Sokka off. 

" Oh , a sword? Thats cute. Is this my competition, Toph ? His little knife will not do much." Kai said and grinned. 

" We will see about that ! Aang , Toph get out of here ! " Sokka said. 

" No, we will fight with you !" Toph  screamed.  

Toph stepped forward to fight but fell on the ground , realising that she was hurt as Kai gave her many bruised along her ankles. Aang caught her and looked to Sokka. 

" Sokka get Toph out of here. I will take care of this." Aang said with an angry voice. 

Sokka ran up to carry Toph. He wrapped his arms around her and carefully lifted her. Kai ran up to them but Aang blew him away with his air bending. Sokka started running out of the forest towards the palace. 

" Are you ok ?" Sokka asked with a worried tone in his voice. 

Toph paused , thinking and tears started to form. Sokka started running even faster. She was still in shock. Meanwhile , Aang managed to dodge Kai's double sided axe and froze him to a tree with water. The Fire nation's soldiers finally arrived and took Kai away. As soon as Sokka and Toph arrived at the palace , Katara went into Toph's room to heal her wounds. 

" I am so glad that you are safe." Katara said while she used her water bending to heal Toph's bruises. 

" Thank you, Katara. " Toph said quietly. 

Katara hugged her and left to give Sokka and Toph some privacy. Sokka sat next to Toph on her bed. The cleaners replaced the broken furniture in Toph's room and cleaned it from the fight that happened earlier. 

" C-can I ... sleep in your room today ? " Toph stuttered and blushed. 

Sokka blushed as well and said " S-sure. I guess you feel unsafe in your own room , right ?" 

Toph just nodded. Her whole body was still shaking but she tried to calm herself.  They both quietly made their way to Sokka's room, Sokka's bare feet slapping slightly on the marble floor. 

" I will sleep on the floor." Toph said and got up to walk towards Sokka's room. 

" No , I will get some blankets. Wait here." Sokka said. 

Toph nodded and stayed very still. She was still terrified but felt safer in Sokka's presence. Sokka returned with the blankets and piled them on the floor. 

"Here," Sokka said, "we can make a fort. No one can break into a fort!"

Toph managed a smile, "sure, Sokka, we can make a fort."

Toph and Sokka began to pick up the blankets and pillows. Sokka placed them strategically around the room. Although Toph genuinely wanted to help, Sokka seemed to have it managed. She sat, smiling. 

"Aaaand voila!" Sokka said, dragging Toph into the depths of the fort. He wrapped a blanket around her, his hands lingering on her shoulders. "There," Sokka continued, "we can sleep here."

Toph blushed a deep shade of scarlet. "Can you stay with me here?" she asked quietly.

Sokka smiled, "of course!" He said, "this is where we will sleep, remember?" 

Toph yawned as she was very tired from the eventful day. Sokka could see that Toph is getting sleepy. She laid down and Sokka cuddled next to her. He curled his body behind hers, draping his arm around her. She sighed peacefully as she fell asleep. 

*meanwhile with Iroh*

After all the commotion today, Iroh decided he needed a break from the palace. He decided to walk down to the town for a cup of tea. He went to an old tea shop, that had long been in the Fire Nation and belonged to an old friend of his. It was also well known that this was the hotspot for beautiful and lonely ladies. Iroh had to investigate. 

He walked into the bustling shop. There was a woman doing some snake like contortions on the stage in the center of the shop. The circus must be in town this week. Iroh greeted his friend and continued to watch the woman perform. He watched her performance until it ended all too soon. After the woman left the stage, he put down his cup of tea. 

"Excuse me, miss?" Iroh asked. 

She turned. 

"That was some performance. Are you with the circus?" Iroh asked. 

The woman smiled and nodded while moving her hands, but Iroh couldn't understand what the signs meant. 

"Would you like to  join me for a cup of tea?" Iroh asked, slightly confused. 

The woman nodded again and sat down with Iroh. 

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