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Armin's POV

It was a groggy Monday morning in April. I had just finished up my last period before lunch with Professor Hange. They had asked me to stay after class to discuss something, so I slowly packed away my belongings as I watched everyone else shuffle out of the classroom.

"Hey Yeager, mind if I speak to you a moment?" Hange motioned the green eyed douche over to her desk. Eren groaned and carried his heavy legs over.

"Armin come over here as well."

I headed towards their desk up keeping my distance from Eren. Professor Hange shuffled some papers before looking up at the both of us.

"I apologize Eren, I was going to review material with you today during lunch because you are doing horrendous in my class. But Unfortunately something has come up and I will be in a meeting this afternoon."

Eren had a dumb grin on his face, "so you're letting me off the hook?"

Professor sighed, "no. Armin I was wondering, as top student in my class would you be willing to help Eren study just for today?"

You've got to be fucking kidding me. The only thing that comes out of the kids mouth are insults and cuss words. It would be easier teaching a toddler calculus.

"Sure I'd be happy to help." I replied not wanting to let down my Teacher.

"I'm gonna have to pass. Cya later!" Eren headed for the door.

"This isn't optional, Yeager. At this rate I'll have you with me in class again next year, and that's a pain in the ass for both of us." Hange looked him dead in the eyes.

Eren groaned clearly annoyed. "Fine just this once. But why'd you have to pick the nerdiest little prick to help me. Even Jean would be better than Goldilocks here."

My blood began to boil. God I wish I could smack the smug smirk right off that stupid face. Insulting me because I actually know how to study. How low can you be.

"Now, now Eren let's be respectful. You too can study in my classroom just this period. I expect you two to get at least something done, or I'll get Mr. Levi to teach you both a lesson."

My heart began to race. Not Mr. Levi.

Professor Hange gathered their things and began to leave the classroom. The door clicked shut and it was just me and Eren.

Trying to avoid trouble with Prof. Hange I opened up my bag and pulled out my materials from class. As a flipped through pages I heard a scoff from Eren.

"What the hell are you doing. There's no way you're actually gonna study during lunch. Fucking loser." Eren scoffed again.

"The quicker we get this over with, the sooner you can leave. Now, can we please get this over with." I glared at him. As I did I couldn't help but notice his emerald green eyes. They always seemed to be filled with so much rage and hatred. I couldn't help but feel bad for him. I mean nobody should have a sane reason to be in a constant state of anger.

"Why the hell are you staring at me like that string bean?" Eren exclaimed.

I jumped noticing that I'd zoned out while looking at him.

"Nothing, sorry. Now can you take your notes out?"

Reluctantly, Eren pulled out his notes.

I looked at his notebook. Not a god damn thing was written down. We've been in class for nearly six months and he hasn't written down anything?

I looked at Eren dumbfounded.

"What?" Eren said, obviously confused.

"Do you ever take notes during class?" I questioned.

Eren shook his head with a blank expression. I sighed and handed him this weeks notes and told him to copy them down.

"Wow this is the neatest handwriting I've ever seen," Eren commented. It wasn't the best but compared to Eren's scribbled mess it was spectacular.

"Thanks," I said unsure of whether I should take the compliment of not.

Throughout the period it was difficult to get Eren to stay focused. He would zone out and chew on the end of his pencil or just stare in another direction completely. At least he'd taken a break with the insults.

I gave him a few things to try on his own and to my surprise he actually got the majority of them correct.

"Eren when you apply yourself. I think you can really succeed in school." I said with total honesty.

"Whatever nerd it's not like I care if my grades are shit or not." He crossed his arms.

Ignoring the insult I asked, "why don't you care?" I was hesitant in doing so but my curiosity got the best of me.

Eren scoffed. "I've got bigger problems, Goldilocks. Not like you'd understand. Dumb Nerd."

That last sentence contradicted itself.

Seems to me like something was going on, but of course he'd never tell me. I'm just some annoying peer.

"Well I hope it gets better." I tried to sympathize with him.

"Look, I know you're some perfect student or whatever but you don't have to act like you care." Eren grabbed his bag and left the classroom without a word as the bell rang signally the end of the period.

Good grief. This time I was actually making an effort to be nice. I guess he's just impossible. I let out a deep sigh as I headed out the door to my next class.

Author's Note:

This story takes place when they are in high school (juniors.) I said Prof. Hange because I couldn't call them "Mr." or "Mrs." I just went with Prof. even though they aren't in college.

Also the dynamic of friendships and relationships between other characters will be similar.
EX: Mikasa and Eren will be very close. The only difference is that Eren and Armin aren't childhood friends.

Hope that clears things up <3

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