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TW! This chapter will contain some homophobia and bullying so if you aren't comfortable scroll down to Armin's POV.

Eren's POV

Why the hell is this dick here. I glared across the table. Armin was visibly shaking.

I felt sorry for him.

I can't imagine what it's like to deal with bullies like this everyday.

"What's this, a date?" Jean snickered as if he was amusing himself.

I scoffed.

"Why are you hanging out with this ugly bitch anyway?" Jean then proceeded to call Armin a slur.

My blood began to boil. Douches that make themselves feel better by putting others down really put me over the edge.

Unable to manage my anger I stood up and slammed my fists on the table making Armin flinch. Jean's eyes grew wide.


I got shushed by the librarian as Jean chucked.

"Why so defensive Yeager? Don't tell me you two are actually going out."

"We're just studying so will just leave Armin alone dammit."

Armin was small in his seat. His delicate hands trembling.

Jean gave it up. He scoffed before finally leaving.

"Are you alright?" I asked Armin. Unknowingly I reaching out my hand to calm his. I didn't know why but I guess Mikasa does that when she wants me to calm down so I thought it might help.

Armin nodded.

"Uh we can just end the study session here if you'd like. I guess the library wasn't the smartest move." I offered.

"No, I want to help you it's alright let's keep going."

Armin was clearly still shaken up about the whole thing but it was obvious that he'd never admit it.

Without a thought I got up and gathered my things.

"C'mon," signaling Armin to get up.

"Where are we going?"

"My place. We can study there."

Armin's POV

It was kind of Eren to stand up for me like that. Although he was probably just doing it out of his own hatred for Jean.

Eren's house was just a walking distance away from school. The closer I got the more I came to realize how close our houses were to each other. Yet we never interacted much at all before today.

The walk was short and silent for the most part. We walked up to Eren's front porch as he fiddled with a key he had kept hanging around his neck.

"Make yourself at home."

Eren got us some water before we sat down.

It was quiet. I wondered if his parents worked for most of the day.

My household was very quiet as well considering it was just me and my grandfather.

"Eren, uh before we start thank you for earlier. I've never really been able to stand up for myself, so thanks for telling off Jean," I said shyly.

"Whatever it's not like I did it for you," Eren scoffed.

And he's back.

Although it was comforting seeing Eren back to normal because seeing Eren being nice is a little odd.

I looked over at him staring at his notes. Wow those green eyes were surreal. Angry yet soft when he had a smile of his face.

Dammit Armin what am I thinking? I can't like Eren. He's a jerk. I mean a very pretty jerk but still a jerk.

I wonder if he was one of those assholes that asked if I was interested in them simply because they were a guy and I was gay. God I hope not.

"Is there something on my face?" Eren asked.


"You're a staring at me so I was just wondering?"

Shit. I stirred in my seat and looked away. I keep getting lost in those gorgeous eyes of his.

Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.

It's been a day. Why do I fall for people so quickly?

I don't have many friends and it's rare that someone is actually sort of nice to me.

I really am an idiot.

"Are you alright. Are you still shooken up over the situation with Jean?" Eren looked at me.

"Oh no. I'm just deep in thought, I guess," I responded.

Eren looked a little unsure. He was a little kinder around me. I'm assuming because we're at his house where he doesn't have to have keep up a good reputation like he does at school.

"I think I'm actually starting to get this!" Eren looked hopeful.

I couldn't help but smile.

"What are you smiling like an idiot for?"

"It just feels good helping someone."

A small smile creeped across Eren's face although I could tell he was trying to hide it.

"It's awfully quiet here. Are your parents working?" I asked.

Eren hesitated, "My mom passed years ago. Technically my dad is my legal guardian but I haven't seen him in nearly a decade."


"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said anything, but if it makes you feel better both my parents are passed. I just live with my grandpa."

Eren looked up at me.

"Really? It's kinda nice knowing I'm not the only one without much of a family. At least I have my adopted sister Mikasa," Eren had a small, kind smile on his face.

I was surprised he had such a vulnerable side to him. I'm glad he was comfortable around me.

For the first time in a while it felt like I had a friend.

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