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Eren's POV

It was Friday afternoon. It had been rainy and groggy all week. Armin and I have met every afternoon after school and walked to my place.

I introduced him and Mikasa. She seemed to like him even if she was a bit cold hearted, Armin's calm and positive manner seemed to make everyone smile.

I was in my last class of the day which was Mr. Ackerman's. I actually looked forward to my afternoons with Armin. I felt like I could be genuine and not some annoying dumbass like I am at school.

I walked over to Armin's locker where we aways meet. To avoid assholes like Jean, we usually leave fairly quickly. After a couple days we began to talk more. Casual conversations just about our days and everything. It was better than the awkward silence.

"So how'd you do on the quiz today?" Armin asked me.

"I don't know. I never check what I get, just assume it was a shit grade."

I rubbed the back of my head. Armin gave me a puzzled look.

"Well, I helped you study and you did pretty well, so I believe it's likely you did well."

"You really think?"

Armin gave me a reassuring nod. I told him I'd check it when we got back to my place.


We sat down at the table taking our usual seats across from one another. I pulled out the crumpled out paper I'd stuffed in my bag earlier.

My eyes widened.

"What does it say?" Armin asked eagerly.

"I got a B plus?"

"That's great Eren! I knew you could do it."

Armin gave a me a sweet smile. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Hey it's Friday, and we've been studying all week. So what if we took a break today?" I asked.

"Sure. I'll just head out now. Have a nice weekend!" Armin smiled.

"Actually if you're not doing anything I was thinking we could just hang out as friends instead of just study buddies." I was a little hesitant in saying this.

Armin's POV

He actually considers me a friend? My heart warmed at the thought.


"I was thinking we could just relax. Order takeout and watch a movie or something."

I nodded in agreement. I noticed Mikasa walk in from the front door. I gave her a wave and a gentle smile.


Eren and I just sat and talked for a while. We shared a few laughs and it was clear that both of us enjoyed each other's company.

"Alright I'm gonna go pick up the food now. I shouldn't be too long." Eren headed out the door. I waved goodbye.

Mikasa sat down in the chair that Eren had just left.

"Thank you Armin," She gave me a small, genuine smile.

"For what?" I questioned.

"Eren has been hopelessly lost the past month since our mother passed. Seeing him do well on a test and actually make a friend instead of shutting people out, it just makes me hopeful," Mikasa smiled.

"Wait, only a month? He had previously told me that she passed years ago," I queried.

Mikasa sighed, "That's what he usually tells people. He said that people would ask too many questions or express concern if he told them how recent it really was."

I pondered the thought.

"I understand. It was tough for me when I lost my parents."

Mikasa gave a nod of empathy. I'm assuming she already heard about that part of me from Eren.

"Maybe he'll feel like sharing how he really feels with you someday. If he keeps bottling up his emotions forever he'll just get worse," Mikasa let out another sigh.

"We haven't known each other too long. Also, I'd give it some time. It's only been a month so he still needs some time to process," I assured.

Mikasa nodded.

Suddenly Eren walked through the door with the food.

"What are you two talking about?" He asked.

"Mom's death," Mikasa said nonchalantly.

My mouth dropped at her bluntness. Eren seemed unfazed. I guess she was always like this.

"Yeah, but it's been a few years so I'm fine," Eren gave a small fake smile.

"You can quit the act. I already told Armin about your lies. It's only been a month," Mikasa urged.

Eren hesitated. He knew he couldn't hide forever.

"Sorry I lied. I just didn't want to talk about it or even think about it. So I said that it happened years ago instead of recently. Part of me even began to believe it. I guess I just thought it would help me get over it easier. Although it didn't."

I gave him and sympathetic look, "It's okay, Eren. I understand."

Author's Note

Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter, but it helped deepen the story. Hope you enjoyed :)

thank you. [eremin]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt