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Armin's POV

The colors in the sky were mesmerizing. I stared up at the falling sun as the colors fell with it. The still water from the lake reflecting all of the colors like a sheet of glass.

I was so caught up in the moment I didn't even noticed Eren staring at me.

I looked at him and he quickly turned away with a hint of blush on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry Eren. I trust you," I said, looking away in shame. I felt bad after assuming Eren was just like everyone else, but he's not. After showing me so much made me realize how much he trusted me. Watching the sunset with him was calming for the both of us.

"Really!" Eren's mouth dropped open and slowly faded into a wide smile.

Just seeing how much my words meant to him showed me how he really did care for me as a friend.

We casually continued talking as we stared in awe at the sunset. Soon the sun set and the stars became brighter. I didn't even realize how long we were up there.

We laughed at silly stories from when we were kids and how Eren would cause so much trouble for his poor elementary school teachers.

"If we met when we were younger do you think we would've been friends?" Eren asked me.

I nodded, "I think so."

Things may be different now if we had met years ago, but I didn't want to think about that. It was a bit pathetic that I was 17 when I made my first real friend. Better late than never.

Over the next few weeks Eren and I spent numerous occasions just hanging out on his roof and chatting. Eren did bring his grades up and we'd celebrate by going out to get ice cream with Mikasa on the weekends.

Mikasa and Eren began to feel almost like a family to me. I spent more time at their place than my own. I still wore Eren's sweatshirt every night to bed. His scent comforted me. Every so often the hoodie would lose its scent and I'd make Eren wear it for a day or two so it'd smell like him again.

It was a Friday night in late May. Eren and I were on the couch watching TV while Mikasa read a book in the recliner across the room. My eyes grew heavy as I continued to stare at the screen and eventually my head hung heavy, resting on Eren's shoulder as I fell asleep.

Eren's POV

I froze as Armin's gentle head rested on my shoulder. In all honesty my arm fell asleep but Armin looked so adorable and I didn't want to disturb him.

I rested my head on top of his soft blonde hair and continued watching TV.

"Be careful you might wake him," Mikasa whispered.

"I won't wake him up," I hissed back.

"Huh?" Armin rubbed his eyes awake.

Ah shit.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," I said in a panic.

"It's alright I don't care," Armin said as he yawned. He really didn't seem to care but I still felt bad.

"Are you spending the night tonight?" I asked.

"Probably." Armin nuzzled himself into his sweatshirt, which was actually mine.


Over these past few weeks I'd come to terms with my own feelings for Armin. I think I did feel things for him. Romantically. But I couldn't tell him because it'd ruin our friendship. I know he's not straight but that doesn't mean he's attracted to every guy he knows especially not me.

We headed up to my room where we normally slept. I always let Armin sleep in my bed while I sleep on the couch. He always felt bad, but I didn't mind at all because my pillow always smelled like him the next night when I slept on it.

Armin drifted off to sleep quite quickly. He was probably tired after a long week.

I sat across the room reading. I was a night owl, so even after a long week at school I could easily pull an all nighter. It was a bad habit, but I didn't care enough to break it.

It had been about an hour since Armin had fallen asleep and I was still reading a romance manga. It was my secret obsession that I never shared with anyone, except Armin because secretly he enjoys them too.

I noticed how Armin kept stirring in the bed. It looked like he was having a bad dream. I decided it was best not to wake him although I kept a close eye on him. He continued to stir in the sheets and began to breath heavily. He looked uncomfortable and it pained me to see him like this.

"Hey Armin. Armin wake up you're having a nightmare. It's just a dream. Armin? Armin?" I kept gently shaking at his shoulders. A second later he shook awake. He shot up and clung to my back, embracing me in a hug.

I could hear soft sniffles coming from him as if he was crying, but trying to suppress the sound. I let go of him and grabbed his shoulders.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just a bad dream," He replied as he wiped away his tears with a sweater paw.

"Do you think you'll be able to go back to sleep?" I asked him.

"Yeah I think I'll be alright," He replied. He laid back down still shaken up about his nightmare. I didn't want to bother him and ask him what it was about. I figured if he wanted to tell me he would on his own.

I sat on the bed next to him for a minute, not wanting to leave his side.

"Eren you can lay down next to me, I don't mind"

I guess I was being a bit awkward just sitting there. I accepted Armin's request and laid down next to him, staring at the ceiling.

I stretched out my arms underneath the sheets in an effort to get comfortable in the small space without disturbing Armin. As I did I felt my fingers brush against Armin's soft, delicate hand. I quickly retracted my hand not wanting to make things weird, but Armin didn't budge. His eyes were closed but he was still awake.

Armin's POV

My heart beat faster as I felt Eren's comforting touch against my hand. At that moment I wanted nothing more than for him to hold it. A part of me sensed that he felt the same way. Without thinking I gingerly grabbed his hand and wrapped my fingers around his knuckles. At first his hand felt stiff but then he relaxed. His thumb rubbed small circles around my hand.

In that moment I realized how I felt about Eren and how he felt about me was mutual.

Craving more of his touch, I nuzzled my head onto his shoulder. We stayed there for a few moments in total silence. We didn't have to say anything yet we understood everything

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