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Eren's POV

That afternoon I didn't pay attention in class per usual. Although most of the time I would be joking around making smart ass comments, but I wasn't in the mood. I couldn't help but think about what Armin had said to me earlier. It was a simple comment, "Well I hope it gets better." But the only person that ever says stuff to me like that is Mikasa. So it was nice hearing it from someone else for a change.

I sighed and looked out at the rain covered windows. It was peaceful. I found comfort in rainy days. I watched the small rain droplets race each other to the bottom of the window. For a moment I almost forgot what it felt like to feel pain, anger or worry.

I felt at peace.

Just for a second. I longed for that feeling where the pain went numb and I didn't have anything to worry about anything. Unfortunately there were always things to worry about.

I looked around the classroom to see many focused and attentive peers. Amidst the crowded classroom I noticed a small blonde head of hair.

It was Armin.

I never even noticed we had Trigonometry together. I guess I never really payed attention at all. I sighed and looked at my blank notebook. I really wish I had more motivation. If I didn't seriously turn my grades around I was undoubtedly going to have to retake junior year.

How is Mikasa still acing all of her classes even though mom passed away just a month ago?

Dammit. It pained me just thinking about it.

Maybe Mikasa didn't care for mom as much as I did that's why she is still doing fine.

DAMMIT EREN! Why would I think something so horrible? Of course she cared about mom. I wonder how she feels. It's like she lost her parents all over again. I would ask her but she just seems bad with emotions, and I don't want to burden her with annoying questions.

Anyway I have to get my shit together. It's not like I could just start studying a whole years worth of material now. C'mon Eren think.

I could ask that little blonde bitch to help me. Ew scratch that. I know for a fact that'd be hell for the both of us.

I could ask Professor Hange but they'd just ramble on about their dogs, Sawney and Bean.

Just as I finished zoning out two hands slammed on my desk.

"Is there a reason why you're still here, Eren," Mr. Ackerman asked. I looked around the room to noticed that class had ended and everyone had already left.

"Uh, no I just zoned out my bad." I began to gather my things. Mr. Ackerman was a small man but he was certainly intimidating. His grey eyes seemed to pierce directly into my soul.

"Hey Mr. Ackerman?" I asked hesitantly.

He looked up nodding, urging me to continue.

"I really need help in a lot of classes what do you suggest I do to get more help?" Mr. Ackerman had a surprised look on his face. Probably because his least motivated student is actually reaching out for help.

"How about you find a peer to study with? What about Mikasa. Or you could reach out to my top student, Armin Arlert. I'm sure he could help you," Mr. Ackerman suggested.

I thanked him and headed out of class and to my locker. Mikasa has been sick in bed the past few days, so I don't want to bother her. Damn, it looks like Arlert is my best bet.

It's fine I'll just ask him and if he says no, he says no. I kept trying to tell myself. I guess it doesn't help that I was being a huge ass to him earlier.

I noticed Armin by his locker.

"Hey!" I called out and started towards Armin. He flinched at my words. He seemed to mistake me for one of his bullies. He's been a victim of some of the biggest ass holes here. So often that even an oblivious idiot like me noticed.

"Oh, Eren," Armin's face relaxed a bit after noticing it was just me. "Did you need something?" He asked.

I scratched the back of my head. My hair was at that awkward stage. Not short so it was out of my face but not long enough that I could tie it up.

"Will you help me study because I'm dumb," I blurted out not knowing how to word it.

Armin looked at me with wide eyes.

Armin's POV

Did he just willingly ask for help? No, I wonder which teacher made him do this. Was it Hange, Ackerman, or maybe even Smith?

"Uh, are you sure?" I questioned unsure what to respond with.

Eren let out a sigh, "Look if you're gonna say no just tell me straight up. I just- I really need help studying and I don't know who else to ask."

It was the first time I've seen him so genuine.

"I don't mind helping. Actually I'm free right now if you want to review some stuff in the library."

"Yeah that'd be great, thanks."

Eren and I headed to the library. It was a silent walk over there. Neither of us knew what to talk about.

We sat down at a table in a quiet place in the library. The library was pretty open. There was a large window from the hallway where you could see into the library. That always made me anxious. I don't need anyone from the hall seeing me in here. I get picked on enough as is.

"What do you wanna work on first?" I asked.

Eren was pulling stuff out of his bag.

"Could we go over Trigonometry?"

I nodded and pulled out my notes. It was unusual to see Eren in such a calm well mannered state. The majority of the time he was throwing insults and smart remarks left and right. I'll admit I like this side of him much better.

I looked up at the ceiling in thought as Eren was writing notes down. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a talk figure headed towards us. I turned my head to see none other than Jean Kirstein.

Jean, the textbook popular kid. Cared for no one other than himself and liked to annoy the shit out of everyone. Including me, his favorite bullying victim.

Through rumors most of the grade found out that I was gay. I didn't want everyone to know, but most people didn't care. Most. There were some that gave me a hard time, but since it's been almost a year since the rumors things have died down.

I looked over at Eren who was oddly quite focused on the work.

A seat right next to me was being pulled out from under the table, and Jean sat down next to me and chuckled. I could feel my heart racing and the sweat dripping from my forehead. Eren looked up and had a disgusted look on his face.

I didn't keep up with much of the high school drama but I knew well enough that Jean and Eren hated each other.

Author's Note

I feel bad making Jean the bully but I kinda needed someone to be and it'll work out as the story goes on. I hope you enjoyed this chapter the next one will be up soon <3

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