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Armin's POV

Neither Eren or I wanted to get into too much detail about his feelings, so naturally we talked about something else.

After finishing dinner we decided to put on a movie. Although it was spring we watched ELF. A nice comedic relief. Mikasa watched with us too. She kept a straight face the whole time. But you could tell she enjoyed it by how relaxed she was compared to her normal tense self.

It was only about 8:30pm when the movie ended, but fairly dark out.

"Thanks for hanging out with me. This was fun," I said.

"Before you go I want to show you something," Eren grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs. Mikasa sat their puzzled on the couch, but she knew better than to stop Eren.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

He dragged me into his bedroom. It was a disaster. Clothes scattered everywhere. Empty soda cans littered the floor. My mouth dropped open, appalled at the mess.

Eren opened his window which led out to a flat roof over the garage. He climbed out.

"C'mon," Eren reached out his hand towards me. I took it and climbed out of the window. I shivered as a chill breeze tickled the back on my neck.

It was dark out and hard to see much but I could make out Eren's figure in front of me.

"Why are we out here?" I asked, puzzled.

"Look up."

I looked up to see what seemed to be thousands of stars scattered across the night sky. I laid down on the cold roof besides Eren.

"I noticed that the clouds cleared, so I brought you up here. Being up here is my favorite place. Everything seems so insignificant. Me, my problems and life itself."

I paused, taking in the words he was saying. He was right. Being up there, I felt so small yet so free.

"I like to imagine that my mom is watching over me. I think she'd be disappointed in me to see what a wreck I've become."

"I think she would be proud of you for doing well on your test think week," I giggled.

Eren smiled.

For a few minutes we sat their in complete silence. A few crickets could be heard, and we just sat there contently staring at the starry night sky.

After a few moments I decided to speak, "Do you come up here often?"

"Yeah," Eren spoke softy.

He seemed so lost in the moment that he couldn't respond with more than one word at a time.

"Look a shooting star!" I pointed a the sky where a light shot across it for just a moment. I admired it intently.

"Did you make a wish?" Eren asked.

I nodded.

I wished to keep this friendship with Eren, maybe even more than a friendship. He's already made me so much happier.

I used to wonder what was the point of living my boring repetitive life.

It's moments like these that I live for.

I'll continue living for moments like these.

For Eren.


It was Sunday evening. Which means school tomorrow. I couldn't help but hate it. Class itself was fine but the social hierarchy in high school is just bullshit. I'm the short nerdy gay kid of course I'm going to get made fun of.

I sat at my desk thoughts worrying away. I glaned at my phone. It was only 5:45pm I still had some time left before I could worry about school. I wondered if Eren ever got nervous about school like I did. I doubt it.

Eren and I have texted a few times after exchanging phone numbers last week. Eren liked to send dumb memes for me to laugh at. It would always brighten my mood.

Eren has shown so much kindness to me lately. Just a week ago I would've never imagined myself saying that.

I wondered if we were going to continue our study sessions after school this week to. I guess it wouldn't hurt to text him.

5:47| Armin: Are we going to continue studying after school this week?

5:51| Eren: Yea y wouldn't we

5:52| Armin: Oh no reason I was just wondering.

5:56| Eren: Ok hv a gn

5:56| Armin: You too!

I sighed and put my phone down. At least I have something to look forward to this week.

Although something felt off. I scrunched my nose wondering what this sickening feeling was in my stomach.

Wait is this what people say when they feel butterflies in their stomach? What. Why now it's so random. All I did was text Eren.

Text Eren....

Oh my god.

Do I really have feelings for Eren? I can't like Eren. I mean I like him as a person but romantically? He'd probably be creeped out by me if he found out. Or he'll never talk to me again, or pick on me at school like everyone else.

My mind raced with thousands of thoughts and worries. I laid in my bed squishing my head between a pillow and the mattress as if it would squeeze all of my thoughts out too.

Although I would never admit it maybe I did like Eren Yeager.

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