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Eren's POV

I chuckled at my phone. That dork, always texting with perfect punctuation. I really enjoyed getting texts from Armin. Better than the girls trying to slide into my dms. I don't care how pretty you are, I'm not interested.

Along with my other school crisis I was having a serious sexuality crisis. As in, confused as hell. I couldn't label myself if you held a gun to my head and told me to.

For a brief moment I considered asking Armin about it. I mean, he was openly gay.... I guess he didn't have much of a choice because he was outed last year. I feel bad for the poor guy. Maybe it's best I don't bring it up with him.

I couldn't help but wonder, what would Mikasa say? I don't feel like telling her. I don't feel like telling anyone, so my head is just clouded with endless thoughts and worries.

I flipped over from laying on my back and smashed my head into my pillow. I started screaming. It sounded loud in my head but it was muffled and quiet into the pillow.

I feel like I need to do that constantly. Like my thoughts are constantly screaming at me so I just need to scream back.

I slowly rolled off my bed onto the floor. There was a loud thud and I just laid there. The floor was more comfortable than I remember. Suddenly, the door flew open.

"What's going on? Are you hurt?" Mikasa questioned.

She was always so worried. I slowly pushed myself up to a seat.

"I'm fine," I mumbled.

She looked concerned but didn't bother asking anymore questions.

"I'll leave you be then," She walked out of the room and clicked the door shut behind her.

Maybe I'd figure things out eventually. I'll just take a short nap before dinner. I crawled into bed and slowly closed my eyes.


I woke up, slowly stretching my ams and yawning. I picked up my phone to check the time. 1:46am!Dammit this was supposed to be a quick nap.

I wasn't tired anymore so I decided to get up. I peeked out the window as I pushed the curtain aside. Clear skies and bright stars, my favorite.

I grabbed a dark green sweatshirt and threw it on. I unlatched the window and pushed it open. I was welcomed with a chilling wind. I stepped out onto the roof and laid down. I looked up at the stars like I used to alone. It was different though without Armin. I missed his company. I almost grabbed my phone to text him, but he was probably asleep by now.

I wish I could hang out with him at school, but if I change so suddenly at school everyone would be put off by it. Maybe people wouldn't like me anymore. I shouldn't even give a damn what people think but I do. I do!

I looked out in front of me to see nothing but a dim streetlight illuminating the dark pavement of the street.

I noticed a slim figure walking down the street in a scarf and thin coat. I wonder what anyone would be doing taking a stroll out this hour. They walked down the street at an admirable pace. I watched as they suddenly tripped over a rock and stumbled onto the pavement and into a puddle.

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