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Eren's POV

I decided not to text Armin in advance, and surprise him at his doorstep. It was a possibility that his grandpa would answer the door, but hopefully it would be Armin. I had walked there from my house and it was starting to get dark out, perfect timing.

I rang the doorbell and rocked back and forth from my heels to my toes as I waited for someone to answer the door. A few moments later I heard the click of the lock and the door swung open.

"Eren! You look um really nice," Armin exclaimed with rosy cheeks. "Why are you here?" He asked.

I rubbed the back of my head and said, "Well if you're uh free tonight I was wondering if you wanted to hang out." I paused, "Like a date." I looked down at my feet avoiding eye contact with Armin.

Armin's mouth fell in an 'o' shape and his eyes widened. That was the adorable look I was so excited to see. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Yes, I would love too, but I should probably get ready first," Armin explained.

I grabbed his wrist before he could step back inside.

"I think you look great right now. C'mon, I'm anxious to get going!" I said. "Oh and these are for you," I held out the bouquet of marigolds. My hand shook as I was nervous if he would like them or not.

Armin's face lit up, "Eren they're beautiful!" He held them close to his face and inhaled deeply through his nose taking in the sweet scent of the flowers.

He decided we could get going now, and we headed on our way after he informed his grandpa that we were leaving.

"Where are we going?" Armin asked.

"It's a surprise," I smirked.

It was fairly dark out but the street lamps provided light as we walked through the street. I gingerly outstretched my pinky finger to wrap around his, after a few moments of this we intertwined our fingers and held hands. Armin's hands felt soft and a bit cold. I squeezed his hand a bit in hopes that my warm hand would warm his up.

We made it to my house and I walked Armin up the stairs and into my bedroom.

"We're going on a date in your bedroom?" Armin puzzled.

"Nope," I said popping open the window. "Out here."

I climbed out of the window and then reached my hand out for Armin. He took it and made his way out onto the flat roof. It was dark with the exception of the stars and crescent moon illuminating down on us. Earlier I had set up a picnic basket and blanket for us which was sitting on the roof.

I walked over and sat on the blanket and patted a spot next to me, inviting Armin to sit down. He took a seat next to me and leaned back on his hands back, admiring the stars.

"Wow you did all of this for me?" Armin asked.

"For us," I replied

He smiled and opened the picnic basket I had prepared earlier. Inside were some fruits such as bananas and apples. I also added a few bags of chips. It wasn't much, but I didn't have much time plus Mikasa would be mad if I ate all of our food, but Armin still appreciated the gesture.

"I always love sitting on the roof with you," Armin said.

I smiled, "Me too." I looked over at Armin who's luminous blue eyes were gleaming in the moonlight. "Remember the first night we came up here, blondie?" I asked. He rolled his eyes in a playful way at his stupid nickname.

"I'll never forget that night for the rest of my life," Armin replied. He reached over his hand to rest on top of mine. I could feel the heat building up in my face, and my heart beating faster. Armin looked over at me with a soft smile. I continued looking into his eyes, those beautiful eyes of his that made me melt. I couldn't wait any longer. I caressed Armin's cheek and pulled him closer to me. Soon enough, my lips met his soft gentle ones. We stayed like that for a few moments, neither of us wanting to pull away and lose the touch of each other.

I wanted this moment to last forever.

That night under the stars we shared our first kiss of many.

a/n: sorry this chapter was short. It's a good one though :,)

thank you. [eremin]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora