Chapter 23

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My days in the hospital came and went, each one becoming more mind numbingly boring than the last.

They all seemed to pass similar to the previous one before it, and before I knew it, I quickly found myself falling into a routine.

Nurses would flood in and out of my room every few hours to check on me and I spent a majority of my day laying in bed. There really wasn't much I could do besides watch television and complain to Livi.

Sabrina had attempted to visit me again during the week, however I had been either asleep or attempting the numerous physical therapy exercises I'd been assigned to do everyday whenever she stopped by. It took a large majority of my active time and it made me miss just laying in the hospital bed.

Like Harry had said nearly a week before, the recovery process was going to be long and uncomfortable, and it hadn't proved to be any different. There were points where I would be under so much pain from doing an exercise so simply that I nearly found myself bursting into tears.

Yet despite all the downsides of being run over by a vehicle, I managed to try and focus on the bright side of the unfortunate situation. It wasn't like I had magically healed, seeing as all the bones I fractured stayed that way (and would continue to stay that way for coming weeks to months). However, the numerous bruises I had scattered across my body were fading and my skin was returning the normal hue it had been beforehand.

It felt nice to look into the mirror and finally not wince completely at the sight of myself. Before, the sight of the bruises had made me squirm and I could hardly look at the swelling caused by the broken limbs without wanting to gag.

I had to admit, however, that the purple cast was a nice touch to my typical look.

With everything finally fading, I begin to look a little more like myself again. I managed to look past the dark eyebags and the scars that I knew would never go away, and somehow smile at the reflection displayed across from me.

Things could always be worse.

My current physical shape, however, did not make it any less upsetting that I would be most likely spending the rest of my summer at home and in bed. Livi did promise to keep me company though.

The two of us had gotten closer throughout our hospital stays and we had planned a number of days that we could hang out. We shared the same physical therapy session times, as well as roomed together for the past week, forcing the two of us to become close. I never expected such unlikely places to begin a friendship, but I wasn't one to complain much.

Unlike myself, she didn't break any major bones. She instead has a sprained wrist, concussion, and a handful of bruises here and there. I felt completely horrible knowing that all of her injuries were my fault, though she constantly told me otherwise.

We both know, despite how reluctant she was to admit it, that if I had never driven into the intersection completely clueless and emotional, then she would have never ended up in the hospital.

"Grace," Livi groans, throwing her head back as the familiar topic comes up once again, "Get over it. I should have been looking when I started driving anyway," she shrugs, attempting to push away my blame. "You tend to forget that I was the one that hit you, not the other way around"

"Yeah, but the light was red and I just kept driving. This would have never happened if I was just paying attention." I explain, trying to once again take the blame for the situation. However, Livi wouldn't have any of it.

"Grace," she sighs, her eyes making a round trip around her skull before gluing to mine, "You're being a bit of a hypocrite. Remember what you said to Loverboy when he tried to take the blame for this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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