Chapter 16

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"You have a little somethin' on your face"

Sabrina's previous interruption had most definitely caused a bit of tension between Harry and me, but the thick air seemed to go unnoticed and pushed to the side by his invasive little sister for more important matters: cake.

Sabrina was quick to hook her arm through mine, that way she would have better leverage to haul me around the room and towards the party's designated tables. On the far end of the room, by the entrance door, was the cake table, decorated very nicely, with a large vanilla iced cake on top. The cake looked lovely, sectioned into many layers for the many guests who had decided to show up at my birthday party. Sabrina had most definitely gone all out with decorating it, only knowing she had done it herself because of the many times she had to cut her shift short at the bakery so that she could get this project done. The frosting was a pretty pink color, smooth on the outsides, and flowered around the rim of the top, the words "Happy Birthday to the Baddest Bleep."

Guests were quick to gather around me and hurdle together so they could all start to chant the words 'Happy Birthday Gracie' over and over again until the song was over. Candles, with the numbers one and eight, were placed at the top of the cake and lit. I was quick to suck in a breath of air and blow it right back out to extinguish the flames, all in one go, flashing an awkward smile at everyone as they clapped and plates began to be passed around.

"Huh, I do?" I wipe at my face, looking to view the window in front of the cake that mirrored my reflection back at me while replying to Sabrina's previous comment.

"Yeah turn your head to the side a little bit and I'll get it for you" she replies coolly. I nod and follow the directions she had just given me, turning.

"What is i-"

I don't get the chance to finish as a hand comes to the back of my head and pushes my face flat into the top of the cake. I gasp into the cake, quickly lifting my head out of the frosting, the words "Happy Birthday" looking a lot more like a bunch of squiggles.

"Sabrina what the f-" my face is once again shoved into the cake, words being cut off completely by another face full of frosting. I nearly scream as I lift my face, after having it shoved into the cake for a second time. I practically fume as I speak. "Sabrina I'm going to kill -" her hand comes up again to push my face down again, however this time I manage to catch her wrist mid-air, keeping a tight grip on it so she couldn't squirm her way out, "-you."

She gives me a guilty look taking her hand back as I loosen my grip, "I had to, the opportunity practically presented itself. Plus its tradition" she beams, tipping back and forth on the balls of her feet.

"I hate that tradition" I grumble, face still coated in pink frosting, most likely looking ridiculous in front of a full room of people, "get me a napkin so I can wipe this off."

"Say please."


"Well since you asked nicely...." Sabrina trails off, a mischievous look flashing over her features as she begins going back towards the cake. "I guess I can help you clean up a little bit."

"Sabrina what are you doing" I caution, feeling the need to remind her that there is currently a very large group of still waiting to be served behind us, "Don't you dare stick your hand into that cake" I warn as her hand begins to near the table, feeling as if I'm speaking to a child. "I swear to god Sabrina, can you please stop being your self for like two minutes, there are other people here."

"You act like I make it my mission to embarrass you" she laughs, eyes still stuck on mine.

"That's because you do" I groan, throwing my head back in frustration, "Leave the cake alone and grab me some napkins, please" I add, hoping that the additional word would convince her to spare me of whatever she was planning to do.

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