Chapter 17

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"Hold my hoops, Harry."

Sabrina was the first to take action, nearly the moment Rylee made herself known. She was no longer the sweet and sassy lady we all know and love. No, instead she transformed into something that no one would dare to unlock and unleash. It was absolutely terrifying how quickly her persona transformed. The drop in expression and near smoke coming out of her ears made her more terrifying than Harry on a bad day.

"Sabrina calm down, don't do something you'll regret, please" Louis cuts in, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder, her body relaxing slightly with the small gesture.

However, the gesture was nowhere near enough to put out the fire that was put ablaze in her.

"No Lou," Sabrina shakes off, her shoulder nudging his hand away, "She-" Sabrina motions with a pointing finger at Rylee "-can not just show up out of nowhere, uninvited, and ruin this for Gracie. She doesn't deserve it and has done absolutely nothing wrong to the girl. The twat's just mad that Harry has other priorities now."

"You tell 'em Queen" someone shouts from the crowd of people who are quick to surround the two girls.

Rylee continues to stand there, a manicured hand held out in front of her for her to inspect, a bored expression settled over her face. She's quick to pick at a cuticle, before turning her attention back to Sabrina, a small pout coming over her glossed lips.

"Oh, you're mad at me" Rylee catches on, seeming to not have listened to a word that just came out of the curly-headed girl's mouth, "Gosh, you never did get rid of that short temper, did you? Something you and your brother seem to have in common" she mocks, a small smirk pulling at the corner of her lips. "It's fine, I'm used to it from the two of you. You both have such a hard time letting the little things go."

At this point, Sabrina's practically fuming to the point that I could nearly see the visible smoke coming from out her ears. I was beyond confused because, at this point, Rylee was making it seem as if the two had deeper rooted problems that I wasn't aware of.

"Don't you dare bring that up right now" Sabrina barks, hurling her body out towards Rylee, however only managing a couple steps before Louis puts a hand around her to hold her back.

"Bring what up?" she replies innocently, batting her eyelashes.

From there, everything escalates very quickly.

Put simply, the beast is unleashed. Sabrina emits a loud and unexpected battle scream, lurching her body out of Louis' hold and tearing through the crowd. She charges at Rylee, who emits a loud yelp once the realization of the small, but mighty, girl coming after her hits.

The two collide, an 'oof' coming from one girl's mouth, the other, who I assume to be Sabrina, emitting a bark-like noise. The fight is a sight of thrashing limbs, nails coming out to scratch at each other, another hand used to pull at hair, and at one point biting became involved. I'm at a loss for words as I watch the fight, lost in the shock of what to do while others are quick to shout and holler at them to keep going. At this point, Rylee's on the ground with Sabrina on top pounding at her with no mercy.

That was expected. No one could keep up in a fight with Sabrina, not myself, not Louis, and probably not Harry either.

However, what wasn't expected were the tears streaming down her face as she continues to strike at Rylee, bottled up anger and frustration seeming to flow out of her. To others, the emotion seemed to go unnoticed, several catcalls encouraging the two on, and a comment from Taylor about '"waiting until she gets her Capri-Sun" being said instead. From their eyes, the fight was simply one caused by sudden frustration, not the pent up emotions Sabrina had for Rylee. Emotions I wasn't aware she had for her until now.

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