Chapter 15

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Party Day.

The day I've been both absolutely anxious and excited for, having absolutely no idea what to expect of it. Sabrina hadn't let a single detail slip from her lips over the past two weeks of planning, really sticking to the little surprise aspect of it she had. She knew me better then absolutely anyone, so if anyone could pull off the perfect 18th 'Suprise' Birthday Party for me, it was her. She handpicked every last detail of it, down to outfits both her and I would be wearing.

Sabrina dropped by my home a few hours earlier, informing me on a few details I needed to know for the party, specifically my dress up and transportation details. She had even sent along a stylist for me that I would have immediately turned away if it hadn't been for her insistent nagging. Sabrina notified me that they were only there for hair and makeup, and they were only allowed to follow the instructions she had given them prior to now unless I said otherwise.

I was currently being glammed up, my hair being curled into loose waves, while the top half was being sectioned off and tied into a small bun at the top of my head. Light makeup had been applied to my skin, very minimal just to my liking. I had on some mascara, making my brown eyes pop a bit more than usual, as well as some light blush and brow pencil. It was simple but extremely effective.

Sabrina had informed me earlier that she picked out my outfit herself, calming my nervous drastically with just that bit of information. She had never failed to choose an outfit out for me that I didn't love immediately, and I doubted this time would be any different.

The stylist, whose name I learned to be was Lou, laid the outfit for me the moment she finished my hair and makeup, ushering me quickly into the bathroom so I could change. Sabrina had chosen to put me into a pair of light wash high waisted denim jeans with a simple oversized white t-shirt on top. She included a 2 chain gold necklace set, which really seemed to tie the outfit together, however, she must have forgotten to include a pair of earrings, so I took it upon myself to shuffle through my own jewelry box and choose a small pair of gold hoops.

Glancing at myself quickly in the mirror, I couldn't help but think I looked good, smiling at my reflection in the mirror with the realization. The fit was casual and comfortable, but not overly so. It was honestly so me and I couldn't have been happier with it, it somewhat setting the mood for the rest of the night.

"Gracie, honey" Lou knocks on the door, grabbing my attention away from the mirror "Your ride is here."

"Okay, thank you!" I answer back, giving myself one more glance in the mirror, quickly shaking my head back and forth to break down some of the curls, before turning to open the door. "I really appreciate everything you did Lou" I smile at her as I grab my purse with my phone and house keys (two things I now refuse to travel anywhere without them) "You work miracles" I laugh.

"Aw no," she chuckles lightly back, waving my comment off, "I barely did anything. You're a gorgeous girl Gracie. Have a fabulous birthday, you deserve it", finishing her compliment with a kiss on my cheek before pushing me away towards the door "Now hurry, you don't want to keep your loverboy waiting."

"Loverboy?" I question, sending her a confused look before I turn the doorknob of the front door, "I don't know anything about a lover b-" I don't get the chance to finish because as I open the door to a sight I hadn't expected, the words fall short in my throat.

"Gracie", Harry smiles, sending a nod of acknowledgment at Lou before taking a few steps my way, nearly less than an arm's length away at this point. "I insisted to Sabrina that it's only right that I drive my girlfriend to her own birthday party."

Flashback to a couple days ago, after Louis had offered to help me convince Harry to be my fake boyfriend, I hadn't had the time to check-in and ask about the progress the two had made. I assumed after not hearing from him these past few days, that it was a failure; that Harry had refused to help and left me to do the honorable thing and tell Zayn the truth; I was actually extremely single and too afraid to admit it to him because I was confused with the past feelings I had for him and how that reflected onto now.

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