Chapter 12

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"Your kidding, right?"

After reluctantly agreeing to allow Sabrina to throw me a birthday party, it's as if a switch in her head had gone off. Her emergency mode was activated the second the words had left my mouth, as well as the fact that she had less than two weeks to plan it settling in. In my opinion, nearly 14 days seemed like more than enough time to do so. Sabrina on the other hand just about had a panic attack as soon as she realized how little time she really had. Since that day, she's been on party planner mode.

My birthday was approaching quickly, the big one-eight just around the corner, and Sabrina had been running around like a tiny mad woman. I'd been trying to get her to let me help her with the planning process, considering it was my party, but she dismissed me away immediately with a wave of her manicured hand. The small detail she went to leave unmentioned, however, was as to why I was to be kept away from all planning activities at all costs. She insisted on the preparations and execution of the party being a surprise. And if there was one thing I hated more than birthday parties, it was surprise parties.

"My lips are sealed" Sabrina replies, running her fingers over her lips in demonstration of locking them, "you're not getting a word out of me."

"Oh c'mon" I groan, slumping back into the cushioned sofa I was currently seated on, "that's not what I agreed to!"

"Actually", she corrects, taking the time to glance up at me from her planner, which I feel I should mention was about as thick as a textbook, "you agreed to a party period. You never said anything about what kind."

"Technicalities" I wave off, rising up off my position and walking towards her. Her nose was practically buried into the stack of papers in front of her, her eyes running across each line before she jotted down a few notes on the sidebar here and there. I almost felt bad for interrupting her and even whining about the party in the first place. Sabrina obviously had the touch needed for doing these sorts of things, and she threw herself into her work happily. She never felt the need to do these things, but rather wanted to because seeing others happy made her happy.

Once I reached her, I wrapped my arms around her back and rested my chin on her shoulder, "I hope you know how much I appreciate you doing this, even if its way out of my comfort zone" I mumble, leaning my head against her own.

"You're my best friend Gracie, it would be wrong of me to not throw you a birthday party" she replies, retracting her body from me so that she could turn and give me a smile. "Now shoo away, I know what you're trying to do" she laughs, pushing me away from herself and more specifically, her party planner.

"Just one peek" I beg automatically, knowing my intentions of sneaking a look were busted. "I don't even know where the party's at or what I should wear? Is it casual or classy? Would it be bad to show up in a t-shirt or-" I ramble off, only being cut off short when a hand comes up to clamp over my mouth.

"Grace" Sabrina states, eyes focused on mine "take a deep breath, you're gonna love it, I promise. No one knows you better than me. I know you better than you" she continues, my eyes going down to glance at her hand still covering my mouth, then back up to her. "mm-ph" I muffle back, rolling my eyes back but give her a knowing nod.

"Now I'm going to lower my hand and you're going to stay quiet and get in the car so I can get your opinion on something. Absolutely no questions, okay? It's called a surprise party for a reason."

I nod in response, and slowly Sabrina lowers her hand.

"Okay, but-" I start, but immediately choking back on the words the moment I see the glare the girl across from me was giving me.

"No words, get in the car" she states, leaving no room for argument.

"Fine" I huff out, stalking away from Sabrina, and more importantly, the binder next to her. It was what determined whether this night was the best or a bust.

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