Chapter 5

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"Do I look okay?"

Spinning around in the mirror, I took a last minute glance at myself before turning away from my own reflection and facing Sabrina. According to Louis, the dress code put in place for guests was mandatory for ourselves as well. We were required to ditch our usual uniforms, which was an outfit that included a usual get up of blouses and aprons, and instead switch them out for a more formal attire.

Sabrina jumped immediately at the idea of dressing up, taking the makeup and clothing choices into her own hands. She had a whole room dedicated to her closet, which happened to be two times larger than my actual bedroom.

To say the least, it was fancy.

It also kind of gave me Hannah Montanta secret closet vibes

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It also kind of gave me Hannah Montanta secret closet vibes.

Walking into it, one of the first things you spotted was a large island that stood high in the middle of the room and a gorgeous bouquet of flowers flaunting right on top. Above it was a beyond gorgeous chandelier, gems, which I assumed were diamonds due to the girls expensive taste, hanging down from the legs of it.

Clothing and accessories decorated each of the many walls; blouses on one shelf, purses on another, shoes lining multiple racks by the entrance. To say the least, Sabrina had it all. Yet, her ability to stay modest about it was outstanding. If you knew her you wouldn't assume for a second that she was this insanely wealthy teenager.

Once again turning away from the hanging body mirror, I looked over at Sabrina, who had herself perched on the cushioned couch beside me, waving my hands in a motion up and down to signify what I was talking about.

"Is it too casual?" I mumble, racking my hands up and down my dress nervously. "I don't know if this is formal enough, I've never been to a rich person club before". My fingers continue to mindlessly play with the hem of the material, fiddling with the loose strings that poked out. Any time nerves got to be too much, I had a tendency to try to busy my hands with whatever I could to distract myself. Sadly, this meant my dress fell victim to my careless fidgeting.

Sabrina, aware of my nervous tactics, shook her head slightly in response. Because of my inability to read her true intentions, her gesture only caused my nerves to skyrocket even higher than just the previous seconds before.

Sensing this, she automatically lets out a small laugh, pushing her hands on the couch to hoist herself up and walk towards me.

Taking my hands into her own, she gives them a quick squeeze. "Gracie you look gorgeous, calm down", she smiles, her teeth showing slightly. With a slight push at my shoulder, her teasing demor quickly shines through once again. "And are you suggesting that my fashion taste is too 'casual'?" she laughs, "That's a little harsh don't you think".

My nerves shy away slightly with her little comment, nodding my head agreeance. Sabrina's ability to dress to impress was just in fact that: impressive.

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