Chapter 19

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"This is your fault."

Sabrina currently has a broken foot and a bad attitude.

"Technically speaking, yes" I attempt to justify, "But you're the one who tripped!"

"On your body!"

I don't necessarily blame Sabrina for the attitude, considering that I'm partly the reason why it's broken in the first place. However, I wouldn't put the entirety of the blame on myself.

"Harry's body was there too" I attempt to defend, walking ahead of Sabrina to push the door open for her. "You just happened to step on top of mine instead."

This time she just glares, huffing out an unhappy 'mhm" while giving me the cold shoulder as she hobbles past me with her new boot.

I had an especially harsh awakening to the feeling of a body toppling on top of my own this morning, the sound of a scream, and the necessary follow of curses. Harry and I had been fast asleep on the floor after his unfortunate bad dream and I hadn't even realized I had dozed off until I was painfully awoken today. Sabrina surely hadn't expected to see the two of us on the floor either, considering the fact that she did step on me.

When the sudden impact awoke me, I honestly thought I was dying. Having all the air pushed out of my lungs and replaced with a hundred-pound weight was an extremely uncomfortable and undesirable way to wake up. Harry, the lucky bastard, was lucky that he fell asleep on my lap because his head could have been stepped on if had been laying anywhere else.

"Hey" I pipe up, "I'm in pain too. You're not the only one that gets to be upset", I argue while following her out the door, and quickly getting in front of her so that I could open the passenger side door. "I'm pretty sure I have a bruise on my stomach, the shape of your foot, because of you."

"Is your stomach broken?" she retorts back as she struggles to situate herself comfortably in the car.

"Well no, but -"

"Then I don't want to hear it."

I groan, bringing a hand up to drag across my face. "C'mon Sabrina, I didn't plan for you to step on me and break your ankle. It was an accident and you're gonna have to forgive me eventually" I sway, closing her door and hurrying to my own side.

She huffs and shakes her head. "No I don't," turning her legs away from me and staring out the car window, "I see no reason to."

"Are you really that upset about this?" I retort, a bit too unsympathetically, putting the car into reverse so I could get out of the hospital parking lot. "What do you want me to do to get you to forgive me?"

She remains silent, giving no indication of an answer.

"Sabrina c'mon. Help me, help you."

She shuffles even farther from me and closer to the passenger door, without a word.

"So you're giving me the silent treatment now, too? Very mature Sabrina."

Still no answer.

"You know what, fine. You don't need to talk to me. Would honestly prefer it. You've done nothing but complain anyways. Don't need your negativity anyway. This is a good vibes only car."

Sabrina continues to look out the window, still staying completely silent and having zero interest in what I'm saying.

"Oh, you little - you know what - two can play it that way. I'm perfectly capable of giving you the silent treatment too" I huff, focusing my attention back on the road. "Your loss. No more talking on my part. Absolutely zero. Zip. Nada. None. You don't get to listen to these beautiful vocals anymore."

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