Chapter 18

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dream (flashback)

Sabrina, Lou, and I had spent the past hour chasing butterflies around in the backyard. Sabrina loved them and would spend hours watching them, whether they were fluttering in the air or resting on a nearby flower. She usually pulled the two of us along to catch them for her.

Sabrina would point them out and then we would (carefully) hunt them down and present them to her. Then she would very delicately rest them on her fingertips and stare at their very pretty colors and patterned wings until they would fly away.

Lou and I would go find another one for her to hold after the last flew away until she was satisfied for the day.

It was after our fifth and final catch that we all finally retired to the house.

"Harry?" Sabrina pipes up, putting a small hand on the end of my shirt to tug at it, "Can we paint? I want to draw one of the butterflies that we caught today."

I nod at her, giving her a smile, "Yeah, of course 'Brina. I'll go upstairs and grab everything we need. I'll meet you two on the back porch."

She claps her hands loudly together, putting a hand out to pull at the other boy, "Lou, c'mon! We have to hurry so we can find the best spot before Haz comes back with the paints" she urges, tugging at him to follow her as she scurries away in the opposite direction. "If we don't find a good shady spot then the butterflies won't come up to us."

I watch the two run in the opposite direction as I continue to make my way to the backdoor, feeling the gust of cool air conditioning against my hot skin as I walk in. It felt really nice after running around for so long.

I was feeling a little dehydrated as well, deciding to stop by the kitchen to grab a glass of water for myself before heading upstairs. This time I made sure to grab the stool inside the pantry though, because last time I tried getting water myself, mum got mad at me for climbing up on the countertops because I was too short to reach.

I place the stool in front of the cupboard, grabbing a glass for myself and then proceeding to fill it up at the sink faucet, taking a large sip of it once it was full. The water felt really nice and I automatically felt a bit more hydrated.

"She's a nuisance, Amanda! She shouldn't even be here, nor should she have been born in the first place! As soon as we had Harry, you should have gotten the procedure as I suggested. How the hell can you be this stupid?"

I nearly drop my glass of water when I hear the shouting, recognizing my dad's shouting immediately. It wasn't the first time I heard it, however, he's never been this loud or angry sounding before.

I was scared.

"Sabrina is a blessing Christopher. She's deserving nothing but love - your love - and support. How can you even say these horrible things about your own daughter?"

Hearing my mother's voice struck more fear into me, but that fear wasn't for myself. I was scared of what was going to happen if Dad got even madder.

I had no idea why he was so mad though. Sabrina had done nothing wrong, that I knew of.

"I need my son to be focused on the future" I here my father sneer, "This enterprise is his future and he cannot have this three-year-old-"

"She's five Christopher"

"-distracting him. I absolutely cannot have a child threaten an empire I've spent my entire life building", his hard breathing being heard from the room over.

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