Chapter 8

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"So are we going to sit here the whole time..."

Harry and I had been silently sitting in his Mercedes for the past five minutes, the curly headed man beside me gripping the steering wheel of the car quite maliciously, staring seemingly into empty space in front of us with no intent to leave. Myself, on the other hand, had been busy twiddling my thumbs and struggling to keep my mouth shut despite the uncomfortable silence. I figured he was having an internal conflict of trying to determine if letting me walk myself home was actually a better idea then driving me himself.

Yet despite my attempt to stay quiet, I figured I would try to make the choice for him somewhat easier, once again suggesting I could trek my way home. He was quick to shut the idea right back down.

"Harry if you really don't want to drive me, I'll walk" I begin, fumbling with the clip of my seat belt in an attempt to unbuckle. My hand was tugging at the leash across my test, yet my attempts to unhinge myself only seemed to accomplish the opposite of my goal. With each push and pull of the belt, I only managed to tighten it around me even more.

Before I knew it, the buckle had tightened to full capacity, pulling my back to sit up completely straight on the seat, and my hands glued to my sides. The sight of it was comical, earning a muffled laugh from the passenger besides me. However, with a snap of my head in Harry's direction, the laugh somehow transformed itself into a cough into his hand.

I turn myself back towards the belt, wiggling myself back and forth between it until I manage to slip my body lower into the seat. When I had first decided to try to escape the position I was in, I hadn't realized I was still in the same etire I arrived in for Harry's party. Now, nearly half way down the seat, I could painstakingly feel the somewhat short dress slip higher up thighs each time I tried to move further down.

I honestly had no purpose in moving down in the first place, I just wanted to have something to do while Harry contemplated his decision.

I don't exactly remember what I thought doing this would accomplish, but at the moment, I was currently more concerned with how I would get out of this situation, rather than how I got into it. My hands were now held even tighter to my sides compared to how they were just minutes before, making it even more difficult for me to reach for the button that would release me. I currently resembled a flopping fish out of water, seeming somewhat ironic with that fact that we were parked on the ocean side.

The thought of it caused a small laugh to slip from my lips, however the seatbelt against my throat caused it to sound a little gurgled. It could even be one associated with a choking sound, earning a confused glance from Harry to emerge.

When his head turns to me, obviously too caught up in thought to have noticed my commotion earlier, his eyes, now a crystal green, widen in shock. He continues to stare at my unfortunate position, racking his eyes up and down in an attempt to somehow grasp an idea of how the hell I ended up this way. His eyes seemingly slow as he looks down towards the lower region of my exposed legs, my dress still positioned low enough to cover the tippy top of my thighs.

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