Chapter 3

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At this point, I'm just downright lost.

First mysterious brother. Now mysterious pizza order. What's next? A new mystery boyfriend of hers is going to pop up? I don't know how much more my brain can handle.

Since meeting Sabrina, I've come to the conclusion to just go along with her tactics instead of question them. This bizarre pizza order was one of those 'no questions, just do' moments. So when the doorbell downstairs rang, I decided to follow her lead and go along with her to answer.

Plus I was starving...

Sabrina quietly snooped down the stairway hall, tip toeing down each step carefully so that we could avoid catching the attention of Harry and his 'lady friend', Rylee. We made sure to check the hallway to ensure it was clear, my head poking out of the doorway facing one way, hers facing the other.

For extra dramatic effect, I executed a far from perfect cartwheel, knocking down a vase full of sunflowers in the process. My foot came down on the table, the vase plummeting to the tiled floors with a loud 'crash'. There was no doubt that the sound could be heard throughout the house and the shattered pieces were obvious evidence of the incident that occurred. Broken glass and wonky looking flowers laid discarded across the floor.

Sabrina let out a low shriek, her eyes widening with obvious aggravation, my inability to not be quiet blowing our cover. My hands immediately went up to cover my eyes, embarrassment flooding my, now red tinted, cheeks.

If I cannot see the disaster I made, then it did not happen. If I cannot see, then it did not happen.

Maybe, if I say it enough times, it might actually work.

I see not, I hear not.

That means that if I cannot see, then I can pretend the vase is in perfect condition. And if I do not hear, then I can ignore the shuffling sound in the other room indicating another person coming to witness the mess I made of some stupidly expensive glass vase that was in horrible position, just asking to get karate chopped my failed attempt at gymnastics.

I go to lower my hands from my eyes, however seeing Sabrina's bothered facial expressions, I immediately put them back up. Not only did I blow our cover, but I probably just shattered a hella expensive Gucci Original pot, knowing the family's pricey taste. I wouldn't expect any less by the looks of this place. I would happily offer to replace it, but I don't necessarily have the money to do that.

Unless they want the $5 froyo gift card to Frozen Yogurt Land that's sitting in my backpack, and a few sticks of watermelon flavored gum.

Actually, I take it back. I might keep the gum.

"I am so sorry Sabrina, that I was a complete accident" I mumble, immediately busying myself with picking up the larger pieces of the, now, broken vase. "I kinda just caught up in the moment. Felt like we were setting the scene for some cool action movie".

Sabrina brings her hand up to her forehead, shaking her head in disbelief. She knew I had my moronic moments, but she also assumed I was smart enough to save them for a better time. Technically that's her fault for thinking that highly of me, I never said anything about not executing my ninjago skills when the situation presented itself.

"It's fine, just make sure you keep Harry away from the door, okay?" she half whispered, trying to keep her words low so that the approaching steps of the person nearing us wouldn't hear the exchange. "Wait what," I breathed back, my eyes widening with her strange request,"how am I supposed to do that?"

"I don't know, you usually have something weird to say at the wrong times, make it work" she tossed back, slipping away to answer the door.

No, no, no, nononon. She can't just leave me with that man. I've talked to him once, and during that short exchange I found a way to embarrass myself more than I have in a lifetime and make him instantly dislike me in the process. And I have a feeling this exchange won't go any better.

Cakes, Country Clubs, and the CEO [h.s]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon