Remember December~ Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve


Ghost hunting. Were we insane? Probably. Was it Stupid at times? Depends on who you ask. Was it fun? Oh hell yes. We always ended up scaring ourselves more than anything, but that just made it us. We didn't have any fancy equipment, just our ears, eyes, and of course popcorn.

To do what needed to be done required some slight peeking at confidential documents, such as room records, staff members and we also needed a pass key for all the rooms. We weren't bad kids, quite the opposite really, but we needed to know which rooms where occupied so we didn't disturb anyone. As for staff members, we were merely curious considering that since we arrived we had not seen one employee. That was a little bit suspicious if you asked me.

Nick and Zach had been the oh so lucky losers of rock paper scissors. The rest of us were all up in Nick's room, waiting for them to return with the goods. To entertain ourselves we were watching 1,000 ways to die, which in my opinion, had to be the best show ever.

Twenty-five minutes later the guys came crawling into the room like ninja's, looking so ridiculous that I nearly died especially when Nick started to say 'My spidey senses are tingling.' Why that was amusing to me, I will never know. They had the papers clutched in there hands, so they were kind of wrinkled. Smoothing them out, we placed them on the large cedar chest so everyone could see.

"What the hell..." Zach muttered. His head was kind of blocking the view a bit, so I reached out and shoved it aside, making sure not to hurt him. I read over the papers, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Zach was right. What the hell?


                                          Albert Gray-  Manager. DOB: May 21, 1826. 

                                           Mary Fields- Head Maid. DOB: June 12, 1828.

                                          Margate Heely- Maid. DOB: October 18, 1830.

                                          Gary Franklin- Maid. DOB: January 30, 1825

                                         Emily Garret- Accountant. DOB: March 14, 1826

The list when on and on. What I noticed right off the bat was that none of the dates or birth went past 1840, making everyone on this list well over one hundred years old. These people were from the 19th century and it was really starting to creepy me out.

"This has to be old, this can't be the most recent." Delaney asked, just as confused as me.

"No, we made sure that it was. There were three, oldest in the back, newest in the front. This was the first one." Zach said in a matter of fact way.

"Well there has to be employees somewhere, right? Someone answered the phone when Nick called to confirm our rooms..." I stuttered.

I glanced at Nick and noticed that his face was completely white, his eyes shifting around the room nervously. He looked scared shitless.

"Nick?" I asked softly? "What's the matter?"

"When I called to book the rooms and confirm them..."

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