Remember December~ Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


The, very annoying, sound of my alarm clock woke me up the next morning from a wonderful dream featuring me and the oh so amazing Taylor Lautner at exactly five o'clock the next morning. Lifting my head from under my pillow, I glared at it. I really needed to get one of the alarm clocks that played music. Then again, if I did that I would end up despising the song it played, but anything had to be better than the little beeping noises my alarm clock made.

As usual, I was tangled up in my sheets so badly I had to roll off my bed and onto the cold wood floor to actually be able to get out of the mess. I was a kicker when I slept. Yawning, I scratched my head slowly and looked around my room. I needed to clean it again. I don't know how a room could get so ,messed up when I was hardly ever in it. I usually put off cleaning my room until I absolutely had too. Unlike Nick, who couldn't stand his room to be messy at all.

I stumbled my way to the bathroom across the hall, blinking rapidly as I turned on the light. Way to bright for this early in the morning. Why do I get up at five? I don't know. I brushed my teeth, and straightened the jungle on my head until it was fit to actually call hair. I put on some eyeliner and I was ready. That's when I saw that I was still In my PJ's. Oops.

More awake now, I skipped to my room and threw on a pair of old jeans and an old band t-shirt. I saw some earrings on my dresser and threw them on too. If I hadn't seen them, I wouldn't have even bothered, but I had seen them so what the hell?

I padded out of my room and went into the kitchen to fix a glass of mountain dew. I didn't really care if it wasn't good in the morning, I wanted some mountain dew. I couldn't eat this early in the morning, just thinking about it made me sick so no food. Just me, the TV, and my pep juice.

School didn't start until 8:05 so I had awhile. Usually Delilah, Sierra, and Delaney came over around seven, just for the hell of it. They had their own cars (well Delaney preferred walking so she walked to school) so they didn't catch rides with me.

Surpressing another yawn, I leaned into my comfortable couch and just watched some random, useless stuff on the television. Nothing was on this early in the morning. Well, another friend of mine, Cathy, had tried to watch yoga once, but that was just weird. That little creepy voice stayed with you the whole freaking day. And you couldn't do the shit they did on there anyways.

I groaned. I was bored. I ended up just poking my leg with my finger for amusement for about an hour straight. Weird.

At exactly seven, I heard a loud knock on the door. I knew it was Sierra. She was the only one who never actually rang the doorbell. I asked her about it once and her answer was "doorbells annoy the shit out of me." So I made sure never to ring the doorbell at her house.

I opened the door and sure enough, there stood Seirra in her favorite peace t-shirt and jean skinny jeans and a pair of boots. Her brown hair was straight and hung around her shoulders like a silky curtain. If you looked into Seirra's eyes, you could swear you were looking into her brother Nick's eyes, and vice versa.

"Hey Seirra." I sang, grinning at her.

"Ello." She replied, also smiling. She didn't carry anything with her, considering she was going to drive back home and then go to school. She made her way to the den and sat in the middle of the floor.

"I do own furniture."

"The floor is better."

"How?" I asked.

"I don't know."

"Wonderful Seirra, wonderful."

She smiled sheepishly at me, before turning her attention to the television.

Five minutes later there was a creepy tapping on the window in the kitchen. I nearly fell off the couch ( it was a miracle within itself that I didn't) and Seirra jumped to her feet so fast she fell back down instantly. It would've been funny if there wasn't a funky tapping noise.

Seirra groaned. "Where's my sledgehammer when I need it."

I laughed at that. I could just see her running through my house with a sledgehammer. It was pretty amusing.

"What are you laughing about?! Get it in there and kill whatever creeper is at your window!"

"I don't feel like killing anyone today. Maybe tomorrow. But I will go see what it is."

I walked into the kitchen, looking around. That's when I saw Delaney's face through the first kitchen window, grinning widely at me. Laughing, I unlocked the window and opened for her. She crawled in and landed on her feet.

Delaney was wearing jeans and her Pugs not Drugs t-shirt this morning. He brown eyes danced and her brown hair was up in a high pony-tail.

"Delaney, why can't you use the door like every other human being?"

She snorted. "Where's the fun in that?"

"I guess there is none" I said, raising my eyebrows.

"Nope. And besides, windows are my life." She joined Seirra in the den and sat in the Lay-Z Boy recliner in the corner of the room.

"I should've known it was you." Seirra cried, exasperated.

After a little while Delilah showed up magically in front of the TV. I guess she had just let herself in. I didn't mind. I just walked in to her house all the time.

"Hiya! Where's tall, dark, and sexy?" She said, wagging her eyebrows.

"One, dark? Cole is creepishly pale. Two, he's in the bathroom and probably just heard what you said."

Delilah dropped to the floor. She scrambled up quickly. "BYE!" She started running for the door.

"I'm just kidding." I said laughing loudly.

Delilah froze, still in running position. She straightened up. "That was not  nice."

"I know."

We hung out for a while but soon, everyone had to go home and get their stuff for school. I got all of my books from my room and grabbed my keys off the hall table. I pulled on my high top black and white converse, and walked out the door. This morning it was warm enough that I didn't need to wear a jacket. But here, the weather changed all the time, so I always kept a lightweight jacket in the trunk of my car.

I drove to school and parked in the same place as yesterday. I hated coming to school. Too many people. I usually liked to be alone, unless I was with my friends.

Walking into the building, I was greeted with the familiar smell of clean floors and books. It could've been worse. I finally made it to my locker, having to knock a few people out of my way. Of course it was only people I didn't like.

I unlocked my locker and dug around, trying to find the English homework that I finished during class. I found it finally in my biology binder. Don't ask how it got there, because only God knows. Shutting my locker, I made my way to biology. Yay.

After sitting through Mr. Duncan's long speech on how not to open up a rat I went to English and then History. English was okay, and on some days History was actually interesting (today wasn't one of those days). Going to my locker again I rummged through it some more. At least I had three periods over with. Only four more to go, not including lunch.

Being the klutz that I am, I dropped all of my books. I sighed. I did what I usually do when I drop something. I stared at it, deciding whether or not it was actually worth picking up. But it was my school stuff so I bent to pick it all up. But pale, strong arms where already there, stacking my books nicely and lifting them as if they weighed nothing. And trust me, 3 textbooks and a binder is pretty heavy.

I looked up and there stood Cole. He was smirking at me. He held out his books to me and I took them. So he actually did go to this school. Well then. Lucky me?

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