Remember December ~ Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty


 I finally managed to get away from James and Cole, walking off to be by myself for a while. What had happened seemed like it had gone on for days. Years even. But it had all somehow managed to happen in one night. I looked up at the sky. It was just turning pink and purple with the early morning sun.

Glancing at my phone, I saw that it was 6:04 am. I sighed. Normally I would be sitting on my couch, watching something useless on the television. Not today obviously. I would rather be getting ready for school than to be here. This was supposed to be fun, and it turned into a nightmare. I just wanted to go home.

A wrapped my arms around myself and rubbed them fiercely. It had gotten pretty cold during the night and I was just noticing. Goose bumps appeared on my arms and I cursed myself for not packing a jacket. The nippy air bit at my cheeks and nose, numbing them quickly.

I know I should be happy. We won! And yes, I was relieved. But happy….? Everything I had ever known to be real had been shattered in the course of one night. Demons and ghost had always been something that I scared my little cousins with on Halloween, not something I truly believed in. Sure, I was interested in the ghost shows that came on the Travel Channel every Friday and Saturday night. Nick and I made it our thing to watch, and scare ourselves with what they found. That one of the investigators names was Nick, and the fact that ghosts tended to say the name a lot never failed to make us jump off the couch onto the floor or cower under the blankets we surrounded ourselves in. But just because I found ghosts fascinating, didn’t mean I wanted to see them for myself.

It was all over now though. I don’t know how I knew this, but the air around the hotel seemed lighter, peaceful. I breathed in deeply, trying to calm my worries. Maybe I was in shock. I’d never been in shock before…I don’t think. How does shock feel anyways? Ugh, my head was starting to hurt. I just needed to sleep! Being up for 24 hours probably wasn’t helping me at all.

Strong arms suddenly wrapped around my waist and lifted me off the ground. I gave out a little scream and squeezed my eyes shut as the unknown rapist swung me around in circles.

“Gotcha.” I voice whispered softly in my ear.

A familiar voice.

I groaned. “I’m going to be sick.”

Cole laughed, and placed me on my feet again and I glared at him. Rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, he said, “I couldn’t resist.” He grinned sheepishly, causing my nausea to calm down.

“Sorry.” I muttered. “I’m just in a crabby mood. Sleep deprived and everything…I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

“I wouldn’t really call it snapping…but if looks could kill….” He moved his finger across is throat.

I laughed. “Shut up.”

Grinning, he pretended to pull a hat off his head, and he bowed low. “My lady.”

Still laughing, I told him to stand up, and that he looked ridiculous. Smiling at me, he straightened up and pretended to put his ’hat’ back onto his head.

A loud yawn escaped my lips, making my eyes water sleepily.

“Tired?” Cole murmured, staring at my face steadily.

“Very. Aren’t you?” I questioned.

“It’s nothing I can’t handle.” He ran a hand through his messed up hair. “I’ve stayed up for 72 hours before. Non-stop.”

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