Remember December~ Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven



Zach’s POV



I was driving around the small town aimlessly, not really paying attention to where I was. My knuckles were white from where I was clutching the wheel so tightly, but it felt good to get my frustration out somehow. The fight with her was still fresh in my mind, as I replayed it over and over again in my mind.

I regretted what I had said almost instantly, but instead of apologizing, I left. Like a coward, I thought dryly to myself. My pride -it was pretty important to me if you hadn’t noticed- had kept me from hugging her after the words were said. Kept me from showing any emotion except for anger.

“-you that’s getting between us.” ran through my mind and I grimaced. Yeah I regretted what I said.

Then…there was the part of me, that thought it was what needed to be said. Kortlynn seemed perfectly nice, and sweet to me. Kind of slow maybe, but nice. Maybe when she knew her in 8th grade she was a bitch, but people do change, I’ve seen it.

I groaned loudly. My thoughts were driving me insane. I fumbled with the radio until I found some music to drown them out. Glancing down at the clock I saw it was 9:00. My eyes widened in shock. What the hell? How had I been driving that long? I had gotten to December’s house around two with her and had left around four. I’d been driving around for five hours? God.

Which means…I looked down at the gas gage and wanted to ram my head into the windshield. Nearly empty. I was probably running on vapors now. Thankfully, there was a nearby gas station around here somewhere.

I drove around for three minutes before finally seeing the station. Pulling up to one of the old, faded blue pumps, I jumped out of my truck and quickly pumped $20.00 worth of gas. Curious, I looked at how many gallons I had gotten. 5.4 gallons. Are you fucking serious? Looking to the large sign I saw that gas was in fact $3.69. I snorted. Figures. The perverted number would be my curse.

Sighing, I fished my worn out wallet from my back jeans pocket and walked towards the building. Stepping inside, the smell of fried food assaulted my senses and I breathed in deeply. As if on cue, my stomach grumbled. Thinking back to the last time I had eaten, I realized I had just had some chips on Decembers house and a couple pieces of bacon that morning. Some food wouldn’t hurt…

I quickly paid for the overpriced gas and went to the restaurant part of the building, sitting in a worn out red booth. I fiddled with a ketchup packet as I waited for the middle-aged woman behind the counter to notice me. I wasn’t the only person here tonight, I saw, looking around. There were a couple of men sitting in front of an old TV, watching some basketball game and across the room, an elderly couple sat enjoying a cup of coffee. Coffee, this late? Huh.

“Excuse me Hun, are you in there?”

Snapping my head forward I saw the waitress was standing to the side of my table.

“What?” I asked. Was I in where?

“Sorry, you were just so spaced out.” She smiled at me, her very noticeable country accent seeping through.

“Oh Sorry.” I half smiled at her sheepishly.

“It’s alright, its nice to escape sometimes. What can I get ‘chya?”

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