Remember December ~ Chapter Twenty-Two [[Picture of Delaney]]

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Okay, here's chapter twenty-two! The pictures on the right are pictures of Delaney Those are actually of the person who in my mind, is Delaney, my friend Brandi. :D. She gave me permission to use her real picture. :3. Though, she doesn't know I used both...Oh well, maybe I will live to write Chapter Twenty-Three. :). But Isn't she pretty? :D Anywho, the chapter. :P

Chapter Twenty-Two


December's POV


I watched him walk away with a sad feeling in my chest. He trudged up his sidewalk and stomped onto the porch. He took a key out of his pocket and intserted it into the knob, and the door swung open. All I could see was darkness. I had never been in his house. Then I remembered I'd only known him for like, three days. It seemed like forever. I sighed sadly, and looked over at Nick.

"Do you know why he was mad at me?"

Nick pulled off the curb, and started driving to my house. "Earlier, you fell asleep on the hood of the car. I woke you up. When he got close to you, you started screaming about not wanting to blow up...? Anyways, I guess it made him mad, especially when you wouldn't touch him."

"Oh...was it really that bad?"

"If it happened to me I wouldn't get so offended...then again, I know you, and I know that you don't mean it. He didn't. I told him that he was acting like an ass before I got out of the car to go to Delaney's. I guess that's why he was trying to talk to you." He finished sheepishly, taking a hand off the wheel to run it through his dirty blonde locks.

"I didn't hear a word he said." I muttered.

"I kind of figured." I looked at him and saw that he was smiling softly. "You're pretty stubborn."

I snorted. "Yeah, well..."

We pulled up in front of my house. I motioned for Nick to come inside. He nodded once, and turned off the car, pocketing his keys after securely locking it. If something happened to this car, Nick would probably die. I wish I was joking.

 We walked up to my house and I unlocked my door quickly, and threw my keys onto the hall table. I also pulled off my high tops. I sighed in relief and wiggled my toes. We walked up the stairs to my room and as soon as I saw my bed, I ran and jumped on it. I layed right in the middle and sunk into the softness. Oh yes.

I was then, catapulted off of the heaven called my mattress when Nick jumped onto it.

"Nick!" I groaned as I sat up and rubbed the back of my head.

"Oops." Nick laughed from my bed.

Pulling myself up, I curled up into a ball at the foot of my bed. Why? Because Nick was hogging the rest. My bed was only a twin size, and he was sprawled on it like it was all his. I muttered a few curses, along the lines of, "I hope you fall off." as I managed to fit comfortably. Then I realized I wanted to change clothes. I moaned and rolled off my bed, landing in a heap on the floor. Crawling to my dresser, I pulled out a pair of sweat pants and an oversized t-shirt, as well as some of Nick's clothes that he had left over here. I balled them up, and chucked them at his head.

"Hey!" His muffled cry rang out as I crawled to the bathroom. Ha.

I was soooo tired. So tired in fact, that I got dressed sitting down. How, I'm not entirley sure, I just know that my ass didn't leave the floor until I hurled myself onto my bed.

"You're sleeping on the floor." I told Nick, hiding a laugh as his eyes widened.

"What!? C'mon December!"

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