Remember December ~ Chapter Twenty-One [[Picture of Nick]]

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This chapter is going to be kind of boring. Sorry! It's just kind of a filler chapter. @_@  Anyways, So I decided I would start posting pictures of the characters now. I'll try to find pictures that resemble them as much as I can...The picture to the right, and the lead singer in the video, is Nick. Isn't he attractive? ;D

Chapter Twenty-One



Delaney's POV



"I'm fine." I told the medic for the fifth time.

"Yeah, you look fine." The man said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "What happened to you?"

"Nothing. I fell. Silly me."

"I'm sure...did someone do this to you Miss..." He looked down at the information I had given him. "Delaney?" His eyes traveled over to Zach. Okay, I lost it.

"NO! I fell asshole!" I glared at him harshly.

He held up his hands in defence. "Sorry sorry." I didn't accept his apology. "So, I'm going to give you something for pain, trust me, you're going to need it. I think you may have a concussion, but I can't be sure until you go to the hospital."

I groaned. "Do I really have to go?" I asked pleadingly.

The man sighed. "Yes."

"Do I have to ride in the ambulance?"

He seemed to consider it, which I took as a good sign. "I guess you can ride with your long as they bring you to the hospital."

"Trust me, there's no way I can get out of it." I rolled my eyes.

This caused a small smile to form on his face. On a sticky note, he wrote his recommended prescription and handed it to me. "Give that to a doctor at the hospital."

I nodded, and the medic walked his way, heading towards Cole who had a bloody shirt wrapped around his hand. I wonder what happened to him? I would ask later. Arms came from behind me and wrapped them around my waist.

"What did he say?" Zach asked, laying his head on my shoulder.

"I have to go to the hospital." I muttered. "He said I could ride with you though."

"Okay. We'll leave as soon as everyone is ready."

"Kay." I sighed. I really didn't want to go. I hated going to hospitals. I always saw ghost there. I had had enough of ghosts to last me a lifetime.

"I know." Zach whispered, squeezing me. Funny, how he always knew what I was thinking. I guess that's why I loved him so much.

Nick's POV



I threw myself at my Viper, right onto the hood. My body was sprawled across the windshield and everything. I looked ridiculous I'm sure, but at the moment, I couldn't care less.

I heard December's laugh behind me and I looked up sheepishly.

"You're insane." She laughed.

"I know." I smiled dreamily at my car. This beauty had cost me some money, plus it was freakin' awesome. I had been acting serious for what felt like forever, it was nice to let loose and be the amazing freak that I really was. If I had some pepsi right now, I would be like some hyper monkey. Sadly, the secret stash I kept in the trunk was gone.

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