Remember December~ Chapter Six

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 Chapter Six


Cole stood in front of me, my books still in his hand. I was staring at him like an idiot of course and was probably acting like I should be locked away somewhere.


"What? Oh yeah. Cole! Hi!" I said in a rush.

He chuckled. "Hi."

"So you actually do go to this school. I thought you were teasing me last night."

"I have to go to school too, you know."

I blushed slightly. "Well sometimes you just acted older. Sorry, my mistake."

Cole smiled. "I'm the same age as you. Well give or take."

"What does that mean?" I asked confused.

"It means, I never really asked how old you were."

"Oh. Err, I'm seventeen."

"See? Same age." He grinned.

I smiled a little at him in return and glanced at the clock on the wall. I was going to be late for calculus! I groaned.

"What is it?"

"I'm going to be late. It was nice seeing you!" I quickly grabbed my books from his still outstretched hand and ran down the hall. Thank God this class was on the first floor.

I made it to the classroom right before the bell rang. I gave myself a mental pat on the back and took my seat in the back of the class. No one sat beside me in this class because of the damn seating chart Mr. Edwards gave us. I loved Mr. Edwards, even if he did sometimes act like a pedophile, but c'mon. I hated seating charts.

Delaney turned around in her seat and waved at me from her spot in the front row. Math was her all time favorite subject. I, on the other hand, hated it with a severe passion. Numbers just weren't my thing.

I waved back and brought my hands up to my head in the shape of a gun and pretended to kill myself. Delaney held back a laugh and turned back to the front. The only friends that were not in the class were Nick and Seirra. They had this for last period and right now they were in biology.

Scarlett, James, Cathy,  Delilah, and of course Delaney, were all scattered around the room in different sections. Mr. Edwards had learned the hard way, not to let us sit together. We talk to much or laughed to much or whatever for his taste. He was a pretty chill teacher for the most part but he thought we learned nothing. That wasn't true! I had learned how draw a mouse that didn't belong in the pile of shame! That was a once in a lifetime miracle.

I leaned back in my chair and waited for Edwards to start teaching me stuff that I really doubted I would ever need after collage. The door of the classroom opened and I opened my eyes to find that Cole had entered the room. All my friends had turned back to stare at me. Cole then locked eyes with me then looked back at Mr. Edwards. I was just staring and then I started banging my head on the desk. If I didn't learn anything in this class without a hot guy to stare at, how the hell was I supposed to learn shit now?

"Mr. Usher, why don't you tell us about yourself before you sit down." Mr. Edwards said, sitting on his desk.

Cole stood awkwardly in the front. Of course he didn't look like this was awkward for him, but it had to be right? I know if i was asked to do that I would probably end up on the floor.

"Well. My name is Cole Usher and I have no idea what to say." Cole looked at Mr. Edwards, his eyebrows raised.

"Where did you move from...?" Mr. Edwards prompted, trying to get something out of him.

"I moved from Rhode Island. I live alone and that's all I really want to say at the moment."

Mr. Edwards sighed. "I can see you are a man of many words. Go sit down."

"Where?" Cole asked, his eyebrows knitting together.

"Oh right." Edwards scanned the seating chart. "You can take a seat by December in the back."

Of course. F here I come.

Cole made his way back to me. I noticed all the sluts in the room pulling down their shirts and pulling up their already short skirts. I noticed some of the guys doing the same. Well not the skirt thing. That would be awkward beyond words. I gagged. This was something I really didn't want to see.

I moved my books from the desk next to me. Cole sat down and turned to face me. "Hello again December."

I brought my hands up to my mouth to keep from laughing.

"What?" He asked, tipping his head in confusion.

"You sounded like a stalker." I grinned.

Cole laughed and turned back to Edwards as he began to talk about who knows what. I played with my pencil the whole class. I was a nervous wreck. Which was weird for me considering I have tons of guy friends.

When the class finally ended, I gathered up all my stuff and turned to leave. Not wanting to be rude, I turned back to Cole and gave him a quick smile before walking out of the door.

My next class was art. I loved this class for two reasons. One; I loved the teacher. Two; all of my friends were in this class. So as you can guess it was never boring. I sat at my normal table where everyone else was already sitting. Nick was trying to draw what looked like a cat, Scarlett was doodling in her notepad, Cathy was making weird faces, James looked like he was about to pass out and drool all over the desk, Delaney was throwing her pencil up in the air, Seirra for some reason had a plastic fork and was poking some dude in the back with it, and Delilah was drawling a cute penguin on the table. Yeah, we were awesome.

I just sat there for a couple minutes. I had no idea where Mrs. Profit was. She was never late before. I hope we don't have a sub. I scrunched my nose up. If we had a sub that meant we would be working out of the book for the whole period. Not fun.

Someone walked through the door. No way. Of course Cole was in this class too. I was horrible at art to begin with! Mrs. Profit walked in behind him and pointed at the empty seat next to me. Yupp. God was out to get me for eating all the pudding.

Cole made his way back to us and sat next to me.


"Cole. Well let me introduce you to the gang. You already know James, Delaney, Delilah, and Nick. But you haven't met Seirra, Cathy, and Scarlett." I pointed to them as I spoke. "Guys, this is Cole Usher."

There were Hi's all around and then Mrs. Profit called for our attention. "Today we will be painting. Paint something that inspires you. Go get the easels and your materials. I will come around later to help you." I loved how she looked at me when she said that. I smiled sheepishly at her and got up to get all the things that I needed to ruin a perfectly good thing.

I put on the retarded looking apron and got all my colors together. I was just going to paint Spongebob. He could inspire anybody. I started painted and looked over at Nick who had sat up between me and Delany. He was also painting what looked like Bikini Bottom.

"You idea stealer!" I cried in mock anger.

"Me? You are the idea stealer person!"

"Black bikini Nick. Don't push me, or it's what you will get for Christmas." I sang joyfully.

"No!" He cried. "You paint Spongebob. I'll paint Patrick. Just don't get me one of those things!"

I laughed." I was only kidding."

"I know. But the thought makes me and everyone around me shiver."

I laughed harder. "Our paintings are going to be best friends. Even if Spongebob looks like a giant yellow blob with eyes."

Nick smiled and went back to painting. I sighed as I tried to decide how to make this work for me. I was so happy that after this class, I had lunch and then just two more periods.

Today had been long enough.

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