Remember December~ Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight



There was a tense silence around the room as everyone waited for Zach's final reaction. Even Mrs. Graves said nothing, which was something. She was one of the no bull teachers. I was pretty sure from the shocked expression on her face that she couldn't even comprehend what had just occurred. No one could really. Delaney was always so quiet and calm in class, except for then occasional laugh and snicker. For her to totally blow up and to slap a boy across the face? It was huge.

Finally after a few minutes of silence Zach chose his favorite word to describe what he was thinking.

"Fuck." he cursed, running his hand through his hair.

I had to admit, that's probably what I would be thinking too, if I had just been bitch slapped by my friend. The bell rang at that moment and everyone sighed in relief. I was thankful that the bell had rang too. My reflex reaction was to go find Delaney, but I knew she wouldn't want me to miss the only class I looked forward too and she wanted to be alone for a little while.

Yes, I actually said I enjoyed one class. Creative writing was by far the best part of my school day. I had just transferred from home economics. It was a hell of a lot better. I love cooking, but I already knew how and if I wanted to make something new I could use one of my mom's many cookbooks that she was never home to use. I usually just ordered take out or went to one of the guys house.

With creative writing I could express myself and learn about things that I actually cared about. Math, not so much.

Gathering all of my belongings I managed to fit everything in my book bag quickly. Walking around the long table I briskly made my way to the double doors before he could catch up to me. I already had had enough of his charms.


Darn. I sighed, but continued walking, emerging into the crowded hallway. I pushed my way through the traffic only to be followed. He wasn't going to give up was he? I glanced at my cell phone. I had four minutes before I had to be at my class that was right down the hall. Just enough time to tell him to leave me alone.

"Listen Cole I -" I started, but I was interrupted by his hand, which was in front of my face.

"December. That wasn't what it looked like."

"Right." I rolled my eyes. He was seriously going to try to deny it? People who thought they were better than everyone else. That's what really got my blood boiling. I tried to avoid them at all costs, because I was afraid I would have a " muscle spasm" and push them down a flight of stairs. Fortunately for Cole, there were no stairs in sight.

"I'm serious. They asked us to sit with them. We didn't want to be total bastards and say no. Real men just don't do that."

"They do if they don't want to be known as man whores."

Cole looked hurt. "Is that the way you think of me?"

I sighed. "I don't know. I just really don't like those...girls you sat with today. And you saw what happened to Zach!"

Cole chuckled. "Yeah, I think everyone in 6th free period saw that. And everyone else heard it."

I laughed softly. "You really don't...sleep around?"

Cole started laughing so hard I thought he was going to pass out on the floor.

"What?" I asked, irritated. "I know plenty of guys that don't! It doesn't make them any less of a man! I actually love it about them!"

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