Remember December~ Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Okay, this chapter sucks. I know, I know. I've been gone for a long time, and what do I give you guys? A suckish chapter. D: This was a filler chapter, good stuff will happen in the next one I promise! For example....On Monday, how will Cole and December react to each other now that they've kissed? And what about Delaney and Zach? Those questions will be answered in chapter 30! :D Anyways, enjoy the short, suckish chapter. c:

Chapter Twenty-Nine


“Why would someone put a wall there?!”

“December, it wasn’t a wall…it was pole. Like strippers use.” James stated, covering up his laughter by coughing.

“Well then why was there pole there?!”

“Because they don’t expect people to walk into them.”

I grimaced. When James had said he liked Kortlynn of all people, I had been so shocked that I ran into a pole. There was a good sized lump on the side of my head and it throbbed painfully.

“Well, you just don’t tell a girl that and expect her to jump for joy.” I glared at him.

“Tell you what? That I like Kortlynn? What’s wrong with that?” He asked, confused.

“Well, the fact that she’s trying to separate Delaney and Zach is a pretty good reason I think.”

“C’mon December, you can’t really believe that. She’s totally nice! Not to mention that hot body….”

I held up my hands. “Whoa there, I do not want to hear that. Please spare my ears.” I sighed. “I’ve seen her flirt with him before James. She’s bad news.”

“Whatever. I can like who I want December.”

“Don’t get mad at me just because I don’t like her James.” I pleaded.

“You’re being a total bitch!”

I froze and turned to look at him. “I am not!”

“Yes you are! I’m going home, don’t talk to me at school on Monday.” He then turned away from me, and started walking in the other direction.

I just stood there, watching after him. What had just happened? I had never seen James get angry at anyone before. As I was lost in thought, I didn’t see James come in front of me and stand there.

“Do you know where they sell popcorn?”

His voice made me look up at his face. Unbelievable. I just kept staring at him with hurt filled eyes until he got the message.

“Oh right, I’m mad at you.” This time, he didn’t turn back. He walked all the way to the parking lot.


I was sitting on a bench near the water fountain when the others found me. I was staring into the water, trying to be mad when really I was just confused. James had never acted like that before, he was always joking around and stuffing his face with popcorn. He’d never acted like…well a douche. It was hard to believe that just last night I was spilling my heart out to him about Cole.

Not wanting to explain the story to everyone else, I put on a fake smile and suggested that we head home. Everyone agreed, we were all tired. Walking out to the parking lot, I immediately spotted my car and couldn’t help but smile. My friends were amazing.

My cell rang in my pocket. Struggling to get it out and not get hit by a car turned out to be a feat, but when I finally did get it out, I saw that it was my mom. Looks like they had remembered that I existed. I answered quickly, opening the door to my car. Everyone who was riding with me was settling in, but I wanted to talk to my parents without everyone listening so I stood there next to the door.


“December sweetie! How are you?” My mom’s happy voice chirped into my ear

“I’m fine. How’s the trip?” I asked, fiddling with my keys.

“Oh, it’s fabulous! So much sun! You won’t recognize your father dear, he’s so tan.” She exclaimed.

“Sounds wonderful mom.” I muttered. She didn’t even seem to notice that I didn’t sound too thrilled.

“Do you have enough money? Food?”

“Yeah mom, I’m fine really.”

“Alright. I better go now, your father wants to take some pictures next to the water. The Caribbean is so beautiful at night! Talk to you soon, bye love!”

“Wait mom! Wasn’t there something you wanted to tell me…?” I asked, biting my lip in hope.

“Hmm..nope, I can’t think of anything. Why would you think I had something to tell you?”

I sighed sadly and looked down at the ground. “No reason mom. Talk to you later, bye. Have fun.”

I didn’t wait for a reply, I hung up and threw my phone into Nick’s lap. I slid into the car and started it, making sure to wipe the tear that was sliding down my face before anyone noticed.

“Who was that?” Delilah asked from the back. I could feel everyone looking at me curiously.

“Just mom…”

“Ooooh…” I felt a warm hand pat my shoulder and I turned to see everyone smiling sadly at me and Delilah’s hand. “What’d she say?”

“She was just telling me how fabulous her vacation was.”

“Then why so sad?” Delaney asked.

I sighed and stared down at my hands. “They both forgot my birthday…stupid reason to be upset I guess.”

“That’s not a stupid reason to be sad December. How could they forget their only daughters birthday?!” Nick exclaimed angrily.

I shrugged. “I dunno guys. Let’s forget about it, alright?” I forced a smile onto my face and pulled out of my parking space.

The ride home was pretty silent. I was so tired, and I’m sure the others were too. Everyone was coming to get their stuff and then everyone was going home. I mentally grimaced. I would be all alone in my house. The thought was kind of creepy.

Pulling into my driveway, everyone piled out and I wasn’t surprised to see that everyone else had already arrived. Thankfully they knew where I kept the spare and weren’t waiting out in the cold.

Once in the house, Delilah, Delaney and Nick went to get all their stuff while I hung my coat up in the closet. I made my way to the living room, and looked around. The place was a lot cleaner than I thought it would be without everyone’s stuff everywhere. Someone had put the pull-out couch back into place and folded all the blankets neatly for which I was very thankful.

When everyone was ready, we all stood around, staring at each other. Finally Daylen stepped up, though he didn’t ever really talk much.

“Sorry your birthday was kind of suckish. With Zach off being a douche and Cole doing God knows what.”

Tears filled my eyes and I shook my head. “No! I loved my birthday so much you guys. Really, it was amazing. I don’t think it was suckish at all. I love you all so much.”

Soon everyone was hugging me in the tightest group hug I could ever imagine. I wrapped my arms around everyone I could and knew I was smiling like an idiot. These were my friends, and I knew they would always be there for me.

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