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Two days after, Wooyoung, together with Yeonjun, Taehyun and Taeyang, the other trainees from his company, were on their way on a large van, thair luggage closed inside the hood on the back. They were going to stay in a large hotel, closer to this kind of a campus: there were dance rooms, singing studios, dining hall and a big building resembling an hotel, full of group bedrooms. They were going to stay and train there for the following two months.

Entering that little "training town", Wooyoung felt so overwhelmed. He couldn't believe all of that was true.
He was ready to the competition.

Someone accompanied them into their room. It was just a random room in this corridor, full of rooms looking all the same. It was kind of narrow and aseptic, looking at it from the entrance, but nothing could demolish Wooyoung's positive feelings.
The room itself had two bunk beds next to each other, two one-door closets and a second door with a bathroom. It looked very, very cheap.

"So... Are we gonna stay here for two months? There's barely space to breath, there's four of us!" Yeonjun didn't seem satisfied at all. The others couldn't but agree, wandering their eyes around the tiny space of the room.

"I don't think this closet can contain everything I have..." Taeyang added "Two doors, four people. We're literally the low men on the totem pole, here."

"I think it's fine." Wooyoung didn't like all that complaining. He was there just to train and show everyone what he was capable of. "We aren't staying in our rooms a lot, are we? We're going to spend a lot of time in training. That's crucial. They're watching us in every single moment... There's just 30 spots, and we're 101. They're giving us the opportunity to debut within a couple of months. I don't care if I have to sleep on the floor for this. I'm ready."

The others stayed calm at this. They knew Wooyoung's general attitude, and how much he cared. Far more than them, actually. And they didn't want to start again that discussion about the "dying for training" idea that he was continuing to speak about. They just didn't agree. Nevertheless, they all pretty got along during the previous months.

Wooyoung was the most reflexive and silent one, while Yeonjun and Taehyun used to boost the moral everytime needed, and they both helped Wooyoung with the singing lessons he usually struggled with. Taeyang, instead, was the rapper of the group, and the second dancer, so he was supposed to be closer to Wooyoung, but he wasn't. He was pretty much concentrated on himself, not caring at all about getting alone with the others; on the other hand, if Wooyoung could a little agree with him, he also thought that the chemistry between the members of a group was essential.

The four boys started to unpack their stuff and put everything in the closest, try their best not to mix their things together. Wooyoung and Yeonjun took the first bunk, Wooyoung on the top bed.

After not more than an hour, they heard other voices in the corridor, meaning that more trainees were arriving.
Yeonjun opened the door and saw a crowd of people meeting there, he didn't say anything at the beginning, just stare at the general mess they were creating.

"So these are our rooms? They're so small!"
"I swear this place will smell so bad in a couple of days."
"There's no space in the bathroom for my skincare products... I don't know what to do."

Wooyoung was mindind his own business, but then forced to get out the moment when all the boys were starting to meet and greet to each other.

"Come on, Wooyoung, we're all in the same boat!" Yeonjun pulled his wrist to force him to get up.

He started to randomly say "hi" to many people, not even caring about listening to their names. They're not going to remember me, he thought, while, probably he'd remembered every single face he met. He was that kind of person: always silent, but even attentive to every single detail he could reach, the one that no one could notice but him.

In a couple of hours, they all took a shower and got in the canteen for dinner. That's when they all figured out the amount of people there: every single group of trainees sat in a table, a bit scared of talking to the others, feeling the fear of the competition. There were a hundred people in just one room: they didn't seem too much at thought, but they were literally an army.

This still didn't bother Wooyoung, though.
This time, he let his eyes wander aroud the room and the faces. You couldn't tell that everyone in that room had a specific hidden talent: who knew who was the best vocalist, or the best dancer, or performer. Among all those people, there were the eight finalists of the program. The next kpop group to debut.

Wooyoung and the other friends started to eat peacefully, while chit-chatting regarding the upcoming day of lessons.

After an undefined time, which turned out to be just half an hour, all the trainees were back to their rooms.

Wooyoung climbed into his bed, putting is earphones in and just thinking about how excited he was to start that journey, just in a matter of hours. He tried to convince his mind to sleep despite the whole adrenaline-filled feeling his whole body was victim of.

This was his journey. His time to shine.
He was ready.

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