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"You really were scouted while coming back from school?"

"Ok but don't yell this way! Is it so strange?" the blonde guy said in a chuckle.

"Well, considering that I had to prepare like five songs for an audition... I'm pretty jealous."

Seonghwa laughed one more time before stretching his arm to catch his phone.

"It's pretty late, we should sleep." He added, catching Yeosang's gaze.

It was the last night there. This was the first time they had some time to spend alone by them two. Despite all the tries Seonghwa did to talk to the other, to build a more confident relationship with him, Yeosang was even more difficult than Wooyoung to deal with. He was very, very shy and it seemed like only his very closest friends could have the privilege to get to know him. Aside from that, he was always nice to everyone.
Seonghwa couldn't point out the moment he started to have a crush on him. It, for sure, was before their battle session, when they meet at the singing lessons of the second month. But that battle day was the drop which broke the camel's back, and Seonghwa tried his best to stay more with Yeosang. Finally, someone fulfilled his wishes and set them together in the same room for three days.

"What if I don't want to?" Yeosang said with his low voice while staring directly into Seonghwa's eyes, making the latter to choke on his own breath.

"And what do you want to do?"

"Talking to you."


Seonghwa smiled and landed his back again against the wall of his bed, throwing his phone away. He still couldn't figure if that interest of Yeosang was something romantic or just about friendship, but for sure he wouldn't have sacrificed that time just to go to sleep because we have lessons, hell, I don't care.

"Then, tell me about your audition day."

Yeosang had never spoken so much. Probably, the fact itself of being alone with Seonghwa helped him a lot to open up. There had been only one person in his life with whom he had felt very good: his friends San.


They met in a café on a random day. The meeting itself was the most random thing Yeosang had done in his life. He was sitting alone, the attention on his laptop to complete some boring history assignment. The concentration was so sharp that his eyes weren't even on the screen: a dark-haired, apparently shy guy was asking the waitress to talk with someone for a job. She immediately smiled, probably caught by the pretty face of the person in front of her. Not blaming her, though. Then, he also asked if she knew someone for an accommodation, or some places to look for it.

"You can check on students' groups, schools' boards and things like that. Aren't you a bit young to live alone?" They were probably the same age, actually. Which looked to be the same as Yeosang, about sixteen.

"School boards... You're right! Thank you! Then can I ask you for a Mochaccino, please?" he said with an educated yet happy and sincere smile, which made the girl to blush under his gaze. He then took his beverage and sat on the table next to Yeosang's, starting to scroll on his phone.

It took many minutes to the slightly older guy to win his shyness and talked to the other one. There was something about him which tickled his mind. Or, probably, it was simply the total disinterest in his assignment.

"Excuse me, are you looking for a roommate? Because I am." He said in a rush. San was caught off guard, and pointed to himself, to make sure he heard right.

"Hm... Hi? Are you sure? You don't even know me..."

"Then get to know each other, right?"


"You guys really met like this? I didn't think you could do such an extroverted action."

"Yeah, me neither. Anyway, we decided to get to know each other, and we got along pretty well. Three months later he moved to my apartment, and here we are. It was me suggesting to go to the auditions and everything.

But... I don't know, I thought it could be fun to do this together. I've always enjoyed dancing and singing, and San did too, even if he never practiced it a lot. He didn't know he was kind of a genius about it. So I started to get mad... I became colder when our manager told us that I'd not make my way in this program, whereas San would have for sure."

Yeosang's gaze shifted to his hands. This might not be a comfortable topic for him, Seonghwa thought.

"It wasn't my intention to become like this.
I thought that it may be better for us to stay a little apart, to focus on the training. I didn't have enough strength to face both the things, you get it?" his voice raised a bit, his hands were shaking. Seonghwa only nodded, making his way closer to the guy and slowly stoking his shoulder.

"Yeosang, it's okay, we can go to sle-"

"No, I'm fine. I need to talk about this to someone, it's been too long.
I'd really like to talk again to San, but I don't know how to. I know he will forgive me for everything. Anyway, I already talked a bit to him in the last days, and it went well.
Aish, it's strange."

"Listen, I know too that San will forgive you, no matter what. In my opinion, you can just start to talk again to him like nothing had happened. I mean... Sit with him, make him laugh. It will be like before, am I right?" he was stroking Yeosang's hair now, without thinking about it. He had been so close to San that he forgot that he couldn't just brush people's hair as it was normal. San was very clingy and Seonghwa was glad to indulge him. Yeosang didn't seem bothered, though.

"Let's take some rest, uh?" Seonghwa then added, and Yeosang just nodded. They laid immediately after, together in Seonghwa's bed.

___ • ___

The two guys arrived a bit later than the usual time to make breakfast. That morning, it had been hard to call Yeosang out the bed. Seonghwa had to use physical strength to push the other. He basically gripped his arm and pull him until he was sat, a groan leaving his beautiful sleepy face.

"I want to stay in bed."

"But we can't, come on." Seonghwa stood up and pulled more Yeosang's arms, of course caring not to hurt him. The force was still excessive, though, because the shorter guy fell from the bed, directly into Seonghwa's arms, making the both to blush at the contact and the sudden closeness of their faces.

Their eyes stayed glued for an uncomfortable number of seconds, before Yeosang finally took the control of his body and stood all the way up.

"I'll go shower first, okay?"

___ • ___

Yeosang sat right next to San, and believe me if I say that I was so unusual right now that San flinched. Yeosang then smiled to greet the other. It was not the first time of them talking again, of course, but San felt something different that day. Like some switch had snapped in his friend's mind.

"Fried rice and iced cap with cinnamon?" San said.

"You know me so well. That's a great day!" Yeosang answered and started to eat, following his words with a little pat on San's shoulder. Yes, San was definitely shocked. Soon after, Wooyoung reached the table with his and San's breakfast, sitting in front of the latter since Yeosang was already next to him. He gave another smile to San, like they haven't stayed glued to each other until two minutes before.

"Why everyone except me seems so happy at this table?" Hongjoong groaned. Definitely, everyone had a large smile on, and the most suspicious ones were San's and Wooyoung's.

"Aish, I'm so tired."



hongjoong cries in single and so do i 

i wish we could cry togethe- 

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